A Legionary's Life v 1.0 Released!

When I began developing [i]A Legionary's Life[/i], a little over two years ago, the day of release was a destination so distant I could barely see it. There was so much to do to make it possible, it was scary to think about. It has been a daunting task, working alone on such a long-term project, and many of the challenges it presented were entirely new to me. I wish to thank all the players who have written words of appreciation and encouragement, everyone who has helped promote the game, the users who have been giving guidance and useful tips to newcomers and those who have offered advice and suggestions to me during these five months of Early Access. [h1]What is new in version 1.0[/h1] [list] [*] Successful attacks on limbs increase the victim's Fatigue, based on the damage received. You can find more details in the tooltip of the specific Attack. This should serve the double purpose of offering a new tactical option and reducing the length of duels. It might need fine tuning, feedback is appreciated as always. [*] The difficulty coefficient of each body part is no longer partially randomized after each round. [*] Thumbs have been replaced with something more decipherable. [*] You can press Control to view Attributes and Skills during text events. [*] It is no longer possible to skip your turn in the first round of combat because of low Quickness. [*] It is no longer possible to skip two turns in a row if a character's Stance is full. [*] The first time you show good leadership when attacked by slingers in a specific random encounter, there is a chance to increase one or more of your mental Attributes. Only the first time for each game. [*] A little more text as been added to the initial part of the epilogue, based on the money you have accumulated. If you have less than 2500 denarii, it is the same as before. Above 2500, 5000, 7500 and 10000 denarii, you will see a slighly different description of how you fared right after your return from Greece. [*] The damage of all weapons has been increased by 1. [*] The influence of Strength on damage as been reduced a bit. The overall effect of this change and the one above is that weak and average characters will do a little more damage than before. Characters with high Strength shouldn't notice a significant difference, unless they are very close to the human limit of 99. Even then, they lose very little because of the increased base damage of weapons. [*] The damage protection of all armors has been increased by 1. [*] Enemies you meet after a rotation are likely to be more fatigued than in previous versions. [*] The Rally action of the phalanx has a cooldown and won't happen more than once per "cycle". [*] The AI parameters of the phalanx have been tweaked. It is more likely to attack, especially when the player is vulnerable. [*] You can now view previous messages during text events, in case you suddenly find yourself clicking through a branch you have never visited before, after playing the game many times. [*] The help section of the Equipment screen contains an explanation of weapon Handiness. [*] The cost of Skill enhancements has been decreased from 4000 to 3500. [*] Ultra rare items with quality 7 are back in the inventories of merchants and camp followers. [*] Foraging missions can no longer happen more than once after each battle. [*] Armillae are easier to win right after landing in Africa and at Zama. [*] There is a new option to use keyboard and mouse on desktop computers and laptops with a touch screen. [*] Fixed: sound effects not affected by volume settings in the score assignment screen. [*] Fixed: several typos and mistakes. [*] Fixed: the Veteran achievement not unlocking when you finish the game. [*] Several other minor changes. [/list]