Medieval Fantasy Survival Simulator 2: Gladiator Edition

You're gonna get yourself killed in there... There's beasts, warriors, and much, much worse in the coliseum... Do you really think you've got what it takes to survive? Or do you think you're cut out for much more than that... There's only one way to find out, and time is of the essence!

[b]Hello everyone! We would like to officially announce that The Test has just been verified with Steam Deck! You may now enjoy The Test in all its glory on a new system! Thank you to Valve and our supporters! We truly appreciate you and look forward to reading your comments moving forward! You may find The Test Trilogy & our newest addition to The Test Series, "The Testing Chamber" in our bundle below! We are currently gathering "Secret Words" and adding names into the credits of Chasing Demons as we speak, so we look forward to hearing from you as time goes on! Thank you so much for everything you do, and we wish you the most wonderful day possible! - Randumb Studios[/b]