Status of Secret Words & Player Participation + News and Updates!

Medieval Fantasy Survival Simulator 2: Gladiator Edition

You're gonna get yourself killed in there... There's beasts, warriors, and much, much worse in the coliseum... Do you really think you've got what it takes to survive? Or do you think you're cut out for much more than that... There's only one way to find out, and time is of the essence!

[b]Hi everyone! First and foremost, thank you for checking this out and we hope you're having an amazing day. Next, we'd like to announce that the Secret Words you've left and continue to leave for us have been incredibly useful and will continue to be useful indefinitely. Whether you're a new player coming in, or an old player who enjoys leaving their secret words for us to collect, they will ALWAYS come in handy and we use them in our development practices to build fun and interesting new experiences for you. We're also paying attention to WHO is leaving their secret words and creating something special for you in the long run. We are currently working on Chasing Demons as well as an interesting and unique new series we're hoping to shed some more light on soon, and in the meantime, if you haven't played some of our other titles, we'll put a link below with the best discounts currently available so that you can be a part of those as well. Thank you so much for all of your support and we hope to hear your feedback and collect more of your secret words soon! [url=][/url] - Randumb Studios[/b]