The story of a summer day. Uploading and remastering the English version.

그 어느 여름날의 이야기

This world's most beautiful girl, visual noble. His fate is determined by his choice.

Hello, we're Yujin Games. One summer day's story was translated into English. You can change this in Settings > Language. The current remaster's progress is as follows. [previewyoutube=Uth-5mFVY5Q;full][/previewyoutube] (In progress) 1. Engine change: Renfi engine => Unity engine (Waiting) 2. UI Design: Basic UI => Customized UI (Completed) 3. Logo: Logo made with PPT => New logo that maintains the concept. (Completed) 4. Metabolism: Maintaining the existing story, but partially modifying it in a direction where the tempo is fast and the detailed description is concise. (Waiting) 5. Add illustration: If you don't add illustration, add one character's illustration (local grandmother) (Waiting) 6. CG added: 8 photos to be taken. The same drawing style as the game. (Waiting) 7. CG image: When CG appears, outputting a unique image of the CG. (Completed) 8. Additional ending: Addition of a true ending that has not been completed in the past. (In progress) 9. Other details: Remaster is in progress and will be modified. (Completed) 10. Background: Make the most of the existing background resources, but express them using other techniques. Thank you.