The Steam Exploration Sale!

Overlord™: Raising Hell

How evil can you get? Discover how corruptible you are in Overlord, the twisted fantasy action adventure where you can be evil (or really evil). In the game's seriously warped fantasy world, players will become the Overlord and get first-hand experience of how absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Attention: Minions! Now the carnage has subsided since your pumpkin exploits at Halloween it's time to cause havoc once more. Word from the Netherworld is that a great sale has besieged these lands, and as a result the entire Overlord series is currently available at some cut down prices. Want to cause some mayhem? Find a mistress to keep you warm this winter, or perhaps you want to raid the pumpkin fields like the sprightly young scamp that you are. Your time has come, and service to the master can be guaranteed for 50% less lifeforce. [url=]Overlord Store Page[/url] [url=]Overlord: Raising Hell Store Page[/url] [url=]Overlord II Store Page[/url]