Humbly I p..." inertia>

Humbly I p..." inertia>

Humbly I p..." inertia> Dity Flashpoint Overlords In The Humble Codies Bundle | Overlord™ | Gamehypes

Dity Flashpoint Overlords In The Humble Codies Bundle


Prepare to be tempted, mesmerized and thrilled, become the Overlord, how corrupt you become depends on how you handle any given situation. Your actions impact the game world. With incredible power at your disposal and a team of evil minded minions to do your evil bidding, how will you resist the temptation to be incredibly despotic?

Humbly I present to you, our bundle of readers, this week’s Humble Weekly Bundle. It concerns seven games from venerable Brit publisher Codemasters, which are on average Quite Good. Racing! Man-shooting! Very sweary man-shooting! Imp-herding! An ARPG I’ve never played! More racing! More imp-herding!