The Spectacles Update: Preview #4! 1 Day to release!

We Who Are About To Die

Fight & strategize your way through spectacles and arenas -- rise from lowly slave to Grand Champion and earn your freedom. Or... die trying. This Gladiator RPG Roguelite features in-depth career management and a unique physics simulated combat system. To those who are about to die, I salute you!

[h1]Dear Aspirants![/h1] With [b]The Spectacles Update coming out tomorrow[/b], it's time to finally reveal the fourth and last preview on the Specatcles Update! To conclude, we are revealing & highlighting the character animation overhaul and new maps and content. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/5bcf2cf23eaa6ecf1f3ac960adcc74719066b744.jpg[/img] [h1]Animation Overhaul![/h1] The game received a major animation overhaul! Especially the locomotion (movement animations) have been completely redone from scratch. Take a look at some of these before and afters: Base movement is vastly improved, with a normal walk cycle when you are far from enemies, which blends dynamically into a "combat stance" pose. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/b4ab75b6dfa29a66b14e203f76af04c4e2f8a6dc.gif[/img] Weapon stances are vastly improved. In the old version, the upperbody was completely stiff. Now, with a new system in place, the upper and lower body influence each other, everything looks much more fluid and natural! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/b78bd95b0e73c78be93105d9bb17d82147add2df.gif[/img] Dashing animations have been removed and redone completely, and now just use the underlying movement logic. Instead of a bespoke dashing animation its more of a movement 'impulse' now. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/78e8e43bbcca2e05eceaca8ed442f423798e5c01.gif[/img] And this isn't just visual: one major change is you can now "sprint" omnidirectionally. In the old version, when moving with shift you were largely unable to perform actions like attacks and defends, and you would turn to move to your movement direction. Now, sprint simply is a faster version of the same movement. You can attack sprint, dodge away with shift and much more. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/878fa2a5bb5b67c96b4cfa4247a427ae45c80aae.gif[/img] We also tightened up movement input so everything feels nice and snappy on the gameplay front. Last but not least, to go with this overhaul I finally managed to fix the character proportions. There was a deeprooted issue related to the physics and animation which "squashed down" the torso so to speak. Now characters have the proportions I always intended. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/40cc44d2048dd7919103c810b6009a658c1d8a1d.png[/img] There's more to it - including small details like lifting the arms when falling, knees compressing on landing etc. Literally almost everything was redone - but its too much to cover! Overall, this fundamentally changes the look and feel of the game and it feels amazing to fix what was, for me, the biggest issue with the game. Worth noting, like many things in this update, this is not fully ready yet, there's still a lot more fixes and details I intend to add. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/47cd5be36e6936ef9097517e3cfb8bb45e9e1754.gif[/img] [h1]THE GRAND PLAZA![/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/09381bd26f2c1b243854925e69eacca149bc1c40.gif[/img] To honor the advent of the new Spectacles, the patrons spared no expense in their preparations. To host these festivities, a new quarter of the city is opened up to live combat: [b]The Grand Plaza[/b]! At the heart of the city, located next to the majestic Stadium and under the watchful eye of the Grand Temple, the Grand Plaza emerges as the central gathering place for all Terantians. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/0c8b462559b3d62318c5421d817f29f2dc95d371.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/f2e94657f1d7d2890c17185dac0699494f58f8a7.jpg[/img] The Grand Plaza already has a whole spread of map variations and a day, evening and nighttime light variation as well. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/02ec94823b2be5f2ea06d9bb6528be72753d15b2.gif[/img] Word has spread that more areas within the Inner City will soon be unveiled! [h1]More Content![/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/72abadd357f099e055859d223a5a864afa8ecabf.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/ec9431c5f4620067429552b5e203e0674e1702bf.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/98731794641e40fd2174ce956baedbb53f8e741f.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/9363fd2e92f533bc4663f91eda793affe3283857.gif[/img] It feels like I could keep going! There are a bunch of things that didn't even make it into these 4 previews. Luckily, [b]the Spectacles Update is coming out tomorrow for all to play[/b], so you can discover the rest for yourself. I will also be posting an Update Overview Video to go with it! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36402388/9021c19b2e617df5e81d5aa0aec15760a21ee27d.gif[/img] Thank you for standing by our side as we build this game, it means the world. If you like what we're doing, please consider supporting us. Tomorrow is the big day after 6 months of hard non-stop work, [b]please help share[/b] the Steam page tomorrow as well as the upcoming Update Overview video and help make our launch [i]spectacular[/i]. As for right now, you can subscribe to our [b]Youtube[/b] (a video I made on the development of the game is almost at 1 million views!!!), [b]Newsletter[/b], and join the [b]Discord[/b]: [list] [*] [url=]YOUTUBE[/url] [*] [url=]NEWSLETTER[/url] [*] [url=]DISCORD[/url] [/list] We who are about to die salute you, Jordy