The preview livestream of the DLC2 will begin on November 28th at 19:00(CST)!

暖雪 Warm Snow

'Warm Snow' is a Rogue-like action game with a background set in a dark fantasy world, where the eerie 'Warm Snow' holds sway. You will play as the Warrior 'Bi-an' on a crusade against the Five Great Clans, in order to save a world teetering on the brink of destruction.

The preview livestream of the DLC, will begin on November 28th at 19:00 CST. Devs will lead you into the world of "Warm Snow" 10 years later, with live demonstrations, new levels, new gerne, and new gameplay all in one go! We are so sorry that due to the live broadcast on Chinese platform, we cannot provide the English version at the moment, but we will broadcast the video with English subtitles when our DLC is available. Thank you for your understanding, stay tuned! (↓And here's the live-streaming if you want to watch the official Chinese broadcast.)