Kitten Burst is an Adventure/Racing Game about a Flying Cat set in the year 200X. Explore Sites on the Web, Race through Circuits, & Battle Bullet Hell Bosses to Save Cyberspace.
The Kitten Burst Free DLC "Ogma's Temple" is out NOW!
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You can access the DLC once you've PWND C******s (The final boss)! The entrance is here in the FAQ!
v4.0 Patch Notes
-Added "Ogmas Temple" a bonus chapter accessable from the FAQ after you've PWND C******s (The final boss).
-The ship's crew has new dialogue at the endgame.
-Added a few new hats!
-Made the Intro sequence cut to the cutscene if Hapi passes the last checkpoint even without crossing the other checkpoints
-Gave Hapi i-frames when starting a boss for a second, to prevent immedietly crashing when starting/restarting a boss.
-Fixed bug where you can enter the old intro map on a fresh save
-Fixed dialogue bug with t3h.
-Fixed secret thing where the hyperlink wasn't appearing correctly when you complete the quest.
-secret bossfight gridframe bullets now fade quicker to prevent camera obstruction.
-Added Failsafes to dialogue event UI elemenets (new state unlocked) so that clicking on the screen after losing focus (alt-tabbing) counts as hitting the button.
-A bunch of Dialogue Fixes