Kitten Burst v3.02

Kitten Burst

Kitten Burst is an Adventure/Racing Game about a Flying Cat set in the year 200X. Explore Sites on the Web, Race through Circuits, & Battle Bullet Hell Bosses to Save Cyberspace.

Patch v3.02 is out now with so many changes the patch notes need sections. Thank you to everyone for your feedback and bug reports! (If you submitted one and don't see it fixed yet, don't worry it's still on my list of things to work on) BTW Today's the last day you can get Kitten Burst with the early bird discount [b]======================== Kitten Burst v3.02 ======================== [/b] [b]Balance[/b] -------- -Crash avoidance tweaks -Keys now are rewarded every 40ION instead of every 30ION -Added Keys to Planet eClips [b]Gameplay[/b] -------- -Fixed Vapor state in Bossfights -Added a device you can use to switch LL back to night after beating the level. -No roll correct now has dampening so you don't keep spinning (actually feels really fun to play with it off) -Increased the angular dampening of cat physics when you ragdoll so you don't spin super fast. -Quick retry in races was keeping spin momentum, should reset you to 0 correctly now -Quick restarting while moving through Vapor state started the race wherever you landed. While cool, it would make every race need a setup step for speedruners which would get annoying, so I've patched it. -No more meowing or switching states in cutscenes -Disabled player movement/boosting in the fishing minigame in FAQ -Stopped Physics objects from colliding with hyperlink when hyperlinking (going to FAQ) -Hapi could sit on hyperlinks then travel while still sitting. Now Hapi is not allowed to be this lazy -Move one of the nodes in Cycle away from wall to hopefully prevent it spawning behind the wall for some reason. -Optimized particles in ending sequence -Fix LED scale of some screens -Fixed one screen not being smashable [b]UI[/b] -------- -Cyberspace Atlas Icon now shows it's name -Dying after pwning the bossfight would bug the UI, now bossfights ignore hits after pwning/dnf [b]Dialogue[/b] -------- -Typos -Post ??? Quest dialogue only plays once now -Fix Sonar and Display tutorial hint for keyboard. They showed as Q & E, but they're actually X & H. -Stop Anchor cutscenes in LL from triggering over and over if you keep talking to guild leaders. [b]Achievements[/b] -------- -Older saves with endless records, that were above 4, but didn't get the achievement (when it was 6) seem to be prevented from getting the achievement. Now they will be checked when you go back to the hub. -Keys achievement now requires you to collect 20 keys in the world, not counting the ones you get as a reward for collecting ION energy.