The King of the Border is out!

Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations WOTY

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations is the ultimate military simulator for modern military conflicts. Designed with a huge emphasis on detail, realism, accuracy and flexibility, Command allows you to simulate and direct any historical or hypothetical air or naval engagement from 1945, at any scale, including strategic nuclear war.

[img][/img] The United States and its ally Colombia have declared that they will retaliate against any threat coming from the “murderous regime of Caracas” supported by Moscow. After heavy fights occurred in two border towns, where soldiers wearing Venezuelan uniforms have stormed, Bogotà is quickly requesting support from the United States, worried that the Russian presence in the island of La Orchila would greatly impede any major action against Venezuela without escalating the conflict. Are we witnessing the end of the Monroe Doctrine or will the USA intervene to prevent a new Syria-style crisis at their "courtyard?"