Command: Desert Storm is out!

Command: Desert Storm

Command - Desert Storm is a new DLC release for Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Fourteen historical & hypothetical campaign scenarios plus a bonus contemporary standalone scenario cover the major actions that marked the conflict, allowing you to explore the events that happened - and the ones that could easily have.

[img][/img] [i]“The liberation of Kuwait has begun. In conjunction with our Coalition partners the United States has moved under the codename Desert Storm” - Marlin Fitzwater, White House Press Secretary[/i] “Command - Desert Storm” the new DLC/Standalone for Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations has been released! Relive the pivotal events of the conflict that sealed the Cold War and radically changed the Middle East geopolitical landscape Do you want to see the game in action? Don't miss our Twitch Stream at 12 AM GMT / 8PM EDT / 5 PM PDT on our official Twitch Channel! [img][/img]