It feels a weird to patch this game after all this time but how could I not when fine folks step up offering to translate it into their languages?
Thank you so much to [url=]@hymg000[/url], [url=]@plcube[/url], and [url=]@gyunyu_5959[/url] for their work in translating the many lines of text in The Hex to Japanese.
And many thanks to Thomas De Coster ([url=]@linkyen1[/url]) for the Dutch localization!
This patch also fixed an embarrassing options menu bug and fixed a bug that had been introduced with a prior patch that broke the ARG secrets trail! Thank you to [url=]@Flemmonade_[/url] for pointing that out (and check out his [url=]YouTube channel[/url]!)
To everyone who has played The Hex, I thank you again!
Fan art by [url=]@Yazawa_Akio[/url]