It was a huge undertaking that spanned months, but I am happy to announce that The Hex is now playable in French, Italian, Turkish, German and Spanish.
I can’t be more thankful to the localization team. They dealt with over 3500 lines of text including riddles, poems, cryptic messages, and more. Most of the dialogue is riddled with codes that control the playback in-game and the team had to accurately translate these as well as the source text. “That's [w:0.3][t:0.05]-ahem [w:0.3][t:0]correct.” is an example of one of these.
You can thank these fine people for making it all happen:
[i]Italian[/i] - Marcello Brancaccio
[i]French[/i] - Enzo Doyen
[i]Turkish[/i] - Berke O. YILMAZ (Secundus)
[i]German[/i] - Christian Hecklinger
[i]Spanish[/i] - Luis Redin Ochoa (Fusti)
[i]Russian[/i] - Farhad Alyshov
An extra thanks to Farhad for his dedication to making sure the localized fonts were faithful to their original versions. His Russian translation is nearly complete so expect it some time in the near future!
For those who have waited to play The Hex in their language, I hope you enjoy!
- Daniel
P.S. There are more languages on the way! If you’d like to see your language in The Hex and want to try your hand at localizing it, please email me at
P.S.S. [url=]Join us on Discord![/url]