Hey, folks!
We have great news for you!
Our publisher HandyGames celebrates its 21st birthday and because of this, they have some cluckin' awesome discounts!
[h2][url=https://store.steampowered.com/sale/2021handygamesbirthdaysale]HANDYGAMES BIRTHDAY SALE[/url][/h2]
Therefore, Chicken Police is on a glowing 33% discount, so if you waited for a more significant price drop, here's your chance to grab the game, support the devs and of course, tell us what you think of it!
The offer ends April 25.
[h2][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1084640/Chicken_Police__Paint_it_RED/]CHICKEN POLICE - PAINT IT RED! // 33% DISCOUNT![/url][/h2]
Stay tuned, because we will have some amazing news for you soon! ;)
Take care, folks!
[i]The Wild Gentlemen[/i]