The Guild II: Renaissance
- Description of Monasteries on Novaesium broken
- AI didn't use new professions (has been tweaked a bit)
- Possibility of war tweaked
- War fixed (Inventory-bug, War-only-once-bug)
- Dynasties shouldn't die so early now
- Amount of workshops displayed at the new-title-pergament counted also fields and meadows
- Wrong icon for the kontor fixed
- Forced marriage now only works for non-dynasty-members (you were able marry the whole dynasty of your enemies in MP)
- Capturing mines now is no longer a good way to make money
- You could save debts in your strongbox
- Graveyard AI shouldn't curse buildings that much now
- Information window of beggars deactivated
- Children were not controllable after adding to party
- Bribe should now work properly
- Warehous upgrades fixed
- Miller produces more and faster now
- Privilegue "lower office level" (or so) now disappears when the char gets a higher title
- Trials now work properly incl. penalties
- AI also charges other characters now
- Scaffolds of warehouse corrected
- Completely overhauled the market
- Crash when music changes fixed
- New multiplayer lobby form
- Banker now works longer
- Dyes were not produceable
- Text errors
- Map errors
- Fishes now have animated nifs again
- In Cologne there were two similar chappels
- New sellicon
- Soundlocator on Novaesium map corrected
- Added missing resources on some maps
- Workingtime for banker increased to 12 hours
- kontor hat a bad rendering icon
- Graveyard has been smoking out of the roof
- City lamps fixed
- Battle behaviour fixed: Allies don't flee anymore
- It could occur that a thug was not attackable after he started to attack a building
- Attacking a building now should work properly
- Boobytrap now need resources
- Tirades are now sellable
- It was possible that the market was flooded with raw materials. This should not happen anymore
- Worker don't disappear anymore or get stuck in woods or rivers
- There should be no spinning carts anymore
- The donkey lost his ability to teleport
- AI-production of raw materials reworked (also has an influence on production of high tier products)
- AI now builds meadows and fields
- Stock purchase warrants nerfed
- Stock order fixed
- now you get what you've ordered
- Binge fixed
- Diplomats now leave your estate also if you canceled the measure
- AI now should buy titles more often
- Prices for titles lowered a bit
- Juggler now gets for work
- Possible fix for the blackscreen issue activated
- Smuggling-measure reworked
- AI now shouldn't get any offices anymore without the appropriate title
- Stone rotaries work properly now
- Several causes for OoS messages fixed
- Mouse icon for the Travell-measure added
- Measure "Upgrade residence" can't be clicked during upgrade anymore
- You can see what profession your candidate is before you start the courtship (the profession is shown in the character screen)
- Medicus treatment reworked
- Higher titles now need a specific fame level
- War on the Hansa map was buggy
- Added mills and orchards on some old maps
- Cost for thugs and bodyguards increased so their equipment can't be sold anymore with profit
- If you died in war your husband/wife was not able to choose another partner
- Guild elders don't disappear after some time now
- Orphands don't get older now and they also need some sleep
- The measures for buying an engagement ring or adopting an orphand sometimes stopped
- Fixed a bug which prevented the player from choosing another town than "Hall" when playing on the map of Kufstein
- Allied characters don't flee anymore if they see you doing something illegal, they'll help you now
- Many small bugs...