Hello everyone! It's a special week for our little Trebhum friends: as many of you already know, The Eternal Cylinder will release here on Steam October 13th, along with the much-awaited Anniversary Update! We have a lot of info to cover before the launch so let’s get started!
We wanted to start this week by thanking you for all the love, questions, and feedback we've been receiving from the moment we published the Demo: in appreciation of your participation and the tens of thousands of hours that you've spent playing with us, we're happy to share that THE DEMO WILL BE [b]AVAILABLE UNTIL THE RELEASE[/b] on October 13th!
[h1]Tech Update:[/h1]
We’re thrilled that many of you love the enhanced graphic options that make this world even more stunning. Because the Anniversary Update includes options for 4k and Ray Tracing, we wanted to include some changes and info here you should know before launch.
[h3]Windows 7[/h3]
Huge thank you to those who’ve been playing on Windows 7 and reporting the issues. We’ve added options to run the update on Direct X 11 and appraised all your feedback, crash logs and files. As Microsoft has not supported or updated this OS for more than two years, unfortunately, we can’t guarantee a positive experience on Windows 8.2 and older that reflects how we want you to enjoy The Eternal Cylinder with optimum levels of FPS and stability. As a result, we’re upping the minimum requirements to Windows 10 on Steam. For those who have been happily playing the game for a year on PC, you can continue to do so, but we don’t recommend updating to the free new content IF you have Windows 7.
[h3]FSR 2.0 is your key to great performance[/h3]
Unreal Engine has made many improvements to how it does Ray Tracing and will continue to improve in later versions of Unreal. To help make the game run better with higher Ray Tracing options enabled, we added AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 during development.
This amazing new technology will work with NVIDIA and AMD cards and is used to boost performance on many other big game titles. This tech lightens your computer's load by rendering a smaller image and upscaling it.
This is a [b][u]VERY IMPORTANT[/u][/b] setting for your computer and should remain ON. We’ve seen significant FPS improvement in Ray Tracing and overall performance with it active. However, here’s a guide if you need to adjust this in Settings. Go to the Settings menu to the FSR2.0 slider, and make sure it's switched on. Beneath the FSR2 button is a slider for the "resolution scale." If the slider is to the right, there's a boost to performance and no detectable image loss. Moving the slider to left will boost your performance, but please note doing so may cause some image quality loss, as this is the tradeoff for excellent performance.
You do not need to have Ray Tracing to enjoy the game. We think it also looks spectacular, even with Ray Tracing Disabled!
[h3]Steam Deck [/h3]
Because the Anniversary Update contains these updated graphics settings, we can’t recommend it for Steam Deck as it will likely not give you a smooth gameplay experience based on hardware limitations. We know that’s a bummer but we wanted to give you a heads up beforehand that it will likely not receive the “playable” rating.
[h1]Thank you[/h1]
We thank everyone on Steam who’ve said such positive things about the Demo and the game. One of our favorites was: “In times where even the indie scene is drowning in mediocrity, games like Eternal Cylinder are a desperately needed breath of fresh air.” We wanted to make something unique and special for you all and hope you experience that for yourselves. Join us as we countdown to release on October 13th!