The Elemental Update (Early Access Update 9)

Crab Champions

Claw your way across exotic islands combining fluid movement with fast paced combat to become a Crab Champion in this third person shooter with roguelike elements.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/8fa94e9c5b9bcc601d2c0b9ce143ca5a70fe17c3.jpg[/img] [h1]Patch Highlights[/h1] [b]NEW WEAPON: ICE STAFF[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/7d6e26730d8708e23f37a1ef6ebb805e8949bb39.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/396fd456949718eff872fc7475ce117dc547009b.gif[/img] [b]NEW ABILITY: ELECTRO GLOBE[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/5d2fca62130807d0a9bc08960b06fbe609aacd73.gif[/img] [b]NEW MELEE WEAPON: PICKAXE[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/da1b2a9b41d5baabbc26ef46c982fa05864525f1.jpg[/img] [b]TURRET REVAMP[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/1d7a09457bbbcf03bec74e51fd39a0cd826e1858.gif[/img] [b]INFINITE PEDESTAL[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/92dd176bdbfa497dfd003952083ea49e096c9339.gif[/img] [b]NEW ISLANDS[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/fca37d8272730c5c0f34d08af05bc16531e2fd66.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/bc3f13d94414dc3c9f6874102890fc03c781f008.jpg[/img] [b]NEW ENEMY: HORNET[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/83b9e8b0189d2c805f731852b0b37cc9bd25b0f4.jpg[/img] [b]XL TOTEM[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/f19d4b1f0dba1b9f8c1ebf2273e19851b5b7ef80.jpg[/img] [b]NEW ABILITY VISUALS[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/de90b81431da3098cf3075cbf8a91a48fe378a3a.png[/img] [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [b]GENERAL[/b] [list] [*] Turrets have been reworked, all turret spawning turret perks have been all moved to Ability mods in order to give you agency over when and where to spawn them as in the previous system they often spawned outside the map bounds or far away. Turrets now lose health over time but there are ways to extend their lifetime with perks and create infinite turret builds! [*] Added new infinite shop pedestal type: one can be found on every reroll and the loot doesn’t despawn when purchasing, allowing you to invest heavily in one particular piece of loot [*] Added new enemy: Hornet [*] Added new enemy: Elite Hornet [*] Added new enemy: Hammer Crab [*] Added new enemy: Elite Ramming Grub [*] Grubs lacked identity so have been reworked to have a ram attack and have been merged with mini grubs [*] Added new island type: Harvest [*] Added 1 new Tropical island [*] Added 2 new Arctic islands [*] Added 4 new Desert islands and reworked some of the least fun ones [*] Added 1 new Volcanic island and improved some of the least fun / most cramped existing ones [*] Added unique shop islands for each biome [*] Added 5 new songs [*] Added Tony snoring sounds [*] Reworked Ice: removed max stack limit, enemies now take all stacks as damage when thawing and thawing now automatically happens a short time after freezing [*] Added 23 new achievements: Abilities and Melee Weapons can now earn medals just like Weapons can [*] Added new inventory category: Melee Mods [*] The following Perks have been moved to be Melee Mods: Vampire, Big Claws, Sharp Claws, Iron Claws, Blender, Ice Claws, Fire Claws, Brawler [*] Added new Melee Mods: Lightning Claws and Poison Claws [*] Added new weapon mod: Pumpkin Shot: Chance to lob explosive pumpkins along with your shots [*] Added new ability mod: Bounce Explosion: Abilities gain bounces and explode on each bounce [*] Added new ability mod: Heat Sink: Ability cooldowns reduced [*] Added new ability mod: Landmine Explosion: Abilities spawn landmines when exploding [*] Landmine base damage increased from 33 to 75 (as it is affected by damage falloff) [*] Added new perk: Lingering Fumes: Enemies apply existing poison stacks to nearby enemies when eliminated [*] Added new perk: Poisonous Armor: Poison nearby enemies when breaking enemy armor [*] Added new perk: Health Is Power: Damage increased by 1% for every 50 health you have [*] Added new perk: Speed Is Power: Damage increased by 1% for every bonus movement speed % you have [*] Added new perk: Silver Lining: Damage increased each time you take damage [*] Added new perk: Lightning Dash: Dashing shocks and knocks back nearby enemies [*] Added new relic: Turbo Ring: Fire rate increased by 2% after clearing each island [*] Added new relic: Ring Of Healthy Turrets: Turret health increased by 400% [*] Added new relic: Twin Ring: All turrets spawn in pairs [*] Added new greed relic: Ring Of Tankiness: Max health hugely increased but movement speed heavily reduced [*] Added new relic: Ring Of Wisdom: Critical hit chance increased by 1% after clearing each island [*] Added new challenge modifier: Icy Enemies: All enemy attacks freeze you [*] Added new challenge modifier: Twinned Enemies: Enemies spawn in pairs [*] Added new challenge modifier: Healing Enemies: Enemies heal nearby enemies when eliminated [*] Added new challenge modifier: Landmine Rain: Landmines rain down from the sky at random [*] Many new VFX and sounds added to replace placeholder content [*] The number of physics crowns in the lobby now match the wins of the hosting player [*] Added 3 new skins: Chrome, Vampire and Heat [*] Greatly reduced bandwidth when there is a lot going on in multiplayer games by combining damage events that happen in a short space of time together. This has the side effect of crits behaving slightly differently- if you land a shotgun blast on an enemy all at the same time, critical hits will be rolled on the total damage dealt, not per pellet. With this change you should no longer get kicked from a game due to too much going on. Also cases where you go down to 1 FPS due to a lot happening at once should be much rarer [*] Enemies get knocked around less in general: I’ve made many tweaks here but in general you’ll notice enemies feel more “solid” and in place, allowing for more consistent and focused damage to be dealt to groups of enemies especially with abilities [*] Perks like Juggernaut or Up The Ante now affect Elite and Boss islands- each 100% extra enemies reached spawns an extra boss / elite [*] Hazard damage areas (fire, ice, poison) now only apply their effects when actually landed on the ground and stepping in them to prevent less cases where damage is taken in mid air which could often feel cheap. Lightning damage areas function the same for now as they don’t deal damage and just slow you down [*] AOE explosions now have damage falloff to deepen the combat feel. Previously if an enemy was even slightly touching the outer radius of an explosion, they’d receive full damage so there was no real incentive to aim your abilities- it’s now much more satisfying to line up and directly hit enemies with your grenade and other explosions. This in turn also makes incoming damage from enemies more fair- if you dodge an enemy attack but are very slightly still in the hitbox, you’ll receive far less damage than before. The only AOE damage type that does not get affected by this falloff is melee as it felt bad to lose damage if not right next to an enemy [*] Salvaging pickups now always gives 50% of the pickup cost even when the Expensive Shops modifier is active (previously it only gave 33% of the value) [*] Shop prices on all difficulties are now closer (as on Easy they were cheaper than intended and on Ultra Chaos they were a bit too expensive) [*] Shop prices are 5% cheaper per player in multiplayer (previously they were 20% more expensive per player, now are 15% more expensive per player) [*] Added new “Arcanifying” enhancement (I will find a better name for this later) [*] Added new “Targeting” enhancement (works like Targeting shot but for enhanced projectiles) [*] Added rarities to Enhancements and removed Spiraling and Chaotic enhancements as they were pretty much debuffs [*] Improved enhancement filtering to make it impossible to roll freezing on Fireball Shot or homing on Homing Shot for example [*] Enhancement Totem price decreased and is 50% less likely to explode on use [*] Valued Customer now works when using the Enhancement Totem [/list] [b] GENERAL BALANCE CHANGES[/b] [list] [*] 3 portals spawn by default on multi choice islands making it easier to counter the feeling of bad RNG [*] Runs are now counted as wins even if you get eliminated when looping- this means you can see how far your build can go without risking losing a victory stat / rank [*] The number of islands per biome has been reduced from 8 to 7 for pacing reasons (5 combat islands, 1 shop and 1 elite / boss) [*] Turret spawning perks have been moved from the Damage to the Skill loot pool (other than Fire Turret and Poison Turret which are staying in the Elemental loot pool) [*] Sentry Turret fire rate doubled [*] Mortar Turret damage doubled [*] Poison Turret poison stacks increased from 10 to 100 [*] Enhanced Turrets turret damage increased from +75% to +100% [*] Turrets no longer block projectiles which means no more situations where you have a big cluster of turrets that are all blocking each other and end up dealing no damage [*] All damage dealing greed perks are now multiplicative instead of additive: this is indicated by the “global damage multiplier” keyword being used. This includes Brawler which previously only added a flat damage % rather than multiplying the total melee damage multiplier [*] Crystal scaling has been rebalanced to scale up way less sharply (which means shops break much later and prices in general are lower and easier to memorize) [*] Crystals visually dropped by enemies matches the amount you pick up (so bonus crystals are much more satisfying visually) [*] The Rush blessing goal is now shared by teammates to make it easier to achieve in multiplayer [*] Reroll totem cost has been halved in the first shop you visit [*] Totems now only explode when you’ve gotten a buff from them at least once (excluding Glass and Fuse totems being destroyed by damage or time) [*] Loot totems now cost 25% of your health (up from 20%) [*] Crystal totems now cost 25% of your health (up from 10%) [*] Crystal bundles can no longer be salvaged (only because it didn’t make sense to do it) [*] Starting health reduced from 300 to 150. Keeping the early game feeling dangerous is part of what makes these kinds of games fun- having 300 health just meant that the first biome often felt overly safe especially now that I've made the early game easier [*] Reduced demolition nest starting health and loop health scaling [*] Bananas have been removed from the game for now (in the beta I tried removing the heals from hearts (so they only gave max health) and people still chose them over bananas so now hearts just heal AND give max health) [*] Gold totems can no longer spawn hearts or armor [*] Crystal totem chance to explode increased from 25% to 50% as it was possible to go on very long streaks of gaining crystals which could break the balance of the game- still possible now but less likely [*] Mirrored Projectiles no longer trigger from damage over time damage or ability damage as they could spam projectiles [*] Increased elimination requirements for the Rush blessing on Horde islands so that they are an actual challenge [*] Bronze Hearts now give 100 max health (down from 125) and Gold Hearts now give 500 max health (down from 650). Silver hearts are unchanged [*] Adjusted locked slot unlock cost scaling to be cheaper [*] Halved the amount of fire stacks applied to you when stepping in lava on the Volcanic biome [/list] [b] WEAPON BALANCE CHANGES[/b] [list] [*] Auto Rifle damage increased from 5 to 8 [*] Auto Rifle projectile speed increased by 400% to feel more “hitscan” and responsive [*] Dual Pistols damage increased from 5 to 6 [*] Burst Pistol damage increased from 6 to 8 [*] Orb Launcher weapon mod trigger multiplier increased to match what the Auto Rifle has [*] Orb Launcher mag size increased from 36 to 42 [*] Sniper fire rate increased by 25% [*] Minigun damage increased from 2 to 3 [*] Flamethrower spread heavily reduced [*] Flamethrower range increased [*] Flamethrower level of the starting Fire Shot mod has been increased from 2 to 4, making it much more consistent to fight flying enemies instead of relying on the fire areas below [*] Rocket Launcher damage increased from 35 to 50 (to help counter the new radial damage falloff a bit- direct hits will now be more rewarding) [*] Arcane Wand explosion radius increased by 75% [*] Laser Cannons damage increased from 2 to 3 [*] Marksman Rifle was feeling underwhelming to many people so I made a few changes: no more scope, new crosshair, damage increased from 8 to 12 per bullet and fire rate reduced slightly [/list] [b] WEAPON MOD BALANCE CHANGES[/b] [list] [*] Targeting Shot now acts as a copy of your main shot and can trigger on hit weapon mods [*] Torpedo Shot damage increased from 100 to 250 [*] Triangle Shot damage increased from 100 to 200 [*] Steady Shot damage increased from +50% to +75% when aiming [*] Money Shot crystal gain per shot hit reduced from 4 to 1 (still a big buff due to new crystal scaling) [*] Rapid Fire fire rate buffed from +10% to +12% [*] Light Shot fire rate buffed from +15% to +20% [*] Health Shot cooldown increased from 1 to 2 seconds [*] Spike Strike damage increased from 50 to 300 and cooldown reduced from 4 seconds to 1 second [*] Firework Shot / Explosion projectile damage increased from 30 to 50 and I’ve made them move 50% less chaotically so you can more reliably aim them [*] Spore Shot and Spore Explosion mushroom damage increased from 25 to 75 [*] Shotgun Blast damage increased per pellet from 10 to 32 and projectile lifetime increased by 33% [*] Ice Strike cooldown reduced from 10 to 5 seconds [*] Removed unused debuffs so Random Shot will be more effective [/list] [b] ABILITY BALANCE CHANGES[/b] [list] [*] Grenade damage increased from 75 to 150 [*] Ice Blast direct impact damage radius increased from 0 to 7.5m [*] Ice Blast ice stacks per tick increased from 25 to 40 [*] Ice Blast projectiles themselves now freeze enemies (not just the lingering damage area) [*] Since ability damage mods scale ice stacks on Ice Blast, I’ve reduced the ice stacks it applies from 40 to 25 [*] Ability Ring cooldown reduction reduced from -75% to -50% (now that Heatsink is a thing) [*] Black Holes no longer knock landmines and barrels away (making them an anti synergy) and instead suck them in along with the other enemies [*] Improved Black Hole suction logic so that enemies will no longer overshoot the black hole center, making it hard to actually aim at them [*] Increased Black Hole damage per tick from 3 to 5 [/list] [b] ABILITY MOD BALANCE CHANGES[/b] [list] [*] Clone Explosion now properly triggers ALL ability mods as if you had thrown another grenade leading to much more fun combos (especially when building into turrets) [*] Removed cooldowns from ALL ability mods other than Ultra Mushroom (cooldown reduced from 9 to 4 seconds) and Crystal Barrage (cooldown reduced from 4 to 1 seconds) [*] Firework Explosion cooldown reduced from 8 seconds to 3 seconds [*] Bomb Explosion cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 3 seconds [*] Energy Ring damage per hit increased from 3 to 10 [*] Ultra Mushroom damage increased from 50 to 200 [*] Removed boring / underwhelming ability mods (Heavy Grenade, Spiral Grenade, Snake Grenade) [/list] [b] MELEE WEAPON BALANCE CHANGES[/b] [list] [*] Hammer now works as expected and won’t deal damage until hitting the ground rather than always dealing damage after a set delay [*] Hammer damage increased from 100 to 125 [*] Dagger now slightly knocks back enemies [*] Claw damage increased from 30 to 50 and knockback strength doubled [*] Melee damage now triggers sooner in the claw and dagger animations, allowing them to be reliably spammed with high levels of Blender (you should now be able to actually turn into a blender) [*] You are now briefly immune to damage when on a downwards slam with the hammer or pickaxe [*] Melee VFX now uses the correct tint of the melee weapon / debuff used [/list] [b] PERK BALANCE CHANGES[/b] [list] [*] Ice Cube, Oil Can, Metal Rod and Poison Vial (perks that increase damage to enemies with a specific debuff active) have now all been consolidated to a new perk: Elemental Expert: Damage increased to enemies based on the number of unique debuffs (fire, poison, lightning etc.) applied to them [*] Reworked Icebreaker: Ice damage is dealt to nearby enemies (each level increases radius) [*] All ice perk debuff stacks buffed (mostly doubled from their previous values) [*] Amber Resin healing amount buffed from +25% to +50% to make it a more reliable way to scale healing [*] Grim Reaper now heals for a % of your max health instead of flat healing [*] Hot Steam damage increased from 50 to 300 [*] Critical Thinking damage reduced from +33% to +25% (as this is a global crit damage multiplier it is still very effective) [*] Sonic Boom knockback increased by 250% [*] Sonic Boom damage radius increased by 50% [*] Sonic Boom damage increased from 20 to 200 but cooldown increased from 2 to 5 seconds [*] Shockwave damage increased from 15 to 50 but cooldown increased from 3 to 8 seconds [*] Slugger damage and radius increased from +33% to +100% [*] Damage Aura damage increased from 3 to to 25 and radius doubled but damage falloff means you need to get close to enemies to deal that full 25 damage [*] Exploding Enemies, Freezing Enemies, Flammable Enemies, Electric Enemies and Poisonous Enemies base radius increased by 20% and cooldowns reduced from 3 to 1 seconds [*] Exploding Enemies damage increased from 50 to 300 [*] Fire Aura, Ice Aura, Lightning Aura and Poison Aura damage increased from 15 to 50 [*] Crystal Combo and Damage Combo now count 1x combo so you get a benefit from them even if you aren’t currently at a higher combo than 1x [*] Power Armor damage per armor plate increased from 10% to 12% [*] Big Hearts max health gain decreased from +100% to +75% [*] Bonus Crystals crystal gain increased from +33% to +40% [*] Sharp Claws damage increased from +50% to +100% to bring it more in line with Damage Shot / Damage Explosion [*] Sturdy Totems has been moved up to Epic rarity but now works PER totem rather than a confusing per island limit. There’s one caveat here: in multiplayer the totem will compare number of times it has been used to your sturdy buff so if 4 players all have Sturdy Totems level 5 and one teammate uses the totem 5 times, you won’t be able to use it another 5 times. Also this change fixes Sturdy Totems not working on totems when you find it in a chest on the same island as a totem and try to get the extra use [*] Rigged Totems has been removed (as it only affected 3 totem types (Health, Chance and Gamble) and wasted a perk slot) but these totems are now affected by Ring Of Luck to compensate [*] Poison on enemies has been capped at 250 stacks but they decay half as fast and this cap can be increased by the Toxic perk [*] Cursed Lottery has been removed for now as it is an easy win due to the infinite shop pedestals [*] Double Edged Sword / Gold Coating have been removed from the loot pool for now as they break the game due to the new crystal scaling [*] Up The Ante damage increased from +20% to +25% but additional enemies spawned increased from +15% to +20% [*] Juggernaut max health increased from +50% to +75% but additional enemies spawned increased from +15% to +20% [*] Powerslide damage increased from 2 to 5 and fire stacks per hit doubled [*] Driller chance to spawn bonus loot increased from 4% to 5% [*] Equalizer simplified as the wording was confusing [*] Iron Claws damage increased from 150% to 300% and the downside reduced from -50% to -40% [*] Removed perks that were bloating the loot pool / not unique enough to be interesting: Nourishing Salvage, Finishing Move and Healthy Combo [/list] [b] RELIC BALANCE CHANGES[/b] [list] [*] Relic slots increased from 6 to 8 [*] Relic chest portals have double the chance to show up compared to before [*] Ring Of Power is now multiplicative instead of additive [*] Ring Of Precision is now multiplicative instead of additive [*] Ring Of Destruction no longer works on friendly destructibles (mushrooms, barrels, landmines etc.) [*] Crystal Dividends has been moved to a relic: Ring Of Dividends: Gain 10% of your total crystals as a bonus after clearing each island [*] Red Fury has been moved to a relic: Ring Of Fury: Global damage multiplier increased by 50% for 5 seconds after eliminating an enemy (Note that previously it was a non global damage multiplier so this is a big buff and will scale with your run) [*] Adrenaline has been moved to a relic: Adrenaline Amulet: Fire rate increased by 33% for 5 seconds after eliminating an enemy [*] Reinforced has been moved to a relic: Ring Of Reinforcement: Gain two extra armor plates each time you pick up armor [*] Regenerating Armor has been moved to a relic: Ring Of Regenerating Armor: Gain an armor plate at the start of each island [*] Ring Of Luck trigger chance reduced from 100% to 75% (so that Health totems won’t be guaranteed due to the change to how Sturdy Totems works) [*] Ring Of Gravity rarity increased from Epic to Legendary [/list] [b]ENEMY BALANCE CHANGES [/b] [list] [*] Simplified Ant attacks so that you can reliably predict what they will do: Red Ants now always do single projectile attacks and Poison Ants now always fire in an arc [*] Simplified Purple Skull attacks so that they always do a triple shot (before they also had a single shot attack that could last longer than anticipated / the animation implied) [*] Blocker Skulls now shoot a double shot instead of an X shot to reduce projectile spam [*] Enemies now respect their spawn limits so no more situations where multiple Elite Pumpkins spawn on a single island [*] Bosses now only reduce debuff stacks (like fire or poison) by 25% instead of 50% previously, making elemental builds more effective against them [*] Melee crabs are more aggressive up close and swipe more frequently [*] Ice crabs are now slippy [*] Purple Skull projectile speed increased by 25% [*] Scorpion health increased by 33% [*] Elite Poison Grub now summons mini grubs in addition to the regular lesser grub enemies [*] Elite Poison Grub slam attack now spawns 3 energy rings instead of 1 [*] Elite Poison Grub projectile damage areas reworked: they now deal no damage but apply more poison stacks when stepping into them [*] Elite Barrel Skull attacks adjusted to be a bit more varied [*] Enemy barrels in general were underwhelming so their explosion radius has increased by about 33% to be more dangerous (you can use this increased radius to your advantage too as barrel explosions hurt enemies too, just don’t stand too close!) [*] Improved homing barrel logic to be able to continue tracking players when losing line of sight [*] Enemy sizes adjusted (many harder enemies are now larger and easier to hit) [*] Crabs that do launching attacks have double the wind up time, giving more time to react [*] Elite Fire Crab / Elite Ice Skull launch attack radius lowered by 20% [*] Reduced Elite Lightning Crab health slightly to bring it in line with the other elites [*] Enemy health on Horde islands starts off lower so the first few waves are easier [*] Damage reduction for elites and bosses when looping with the Unfair Bosses modifier active has been reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds (so it wears off faster) [*] Increased the spawn cost of pumpkins, poison ants and regular red ants so that they’ll spawn in slightly lower numbers [*] Red Challenge Crystals can now spawn more than 1 type of enemy at once [*] Enemies now take 200% more damage from hazards (so lining them up around barrels, rocks and explosive enemies is more rewarding) [*] Fewer enemies spawn on the first 3 biomes (non looping) for better pacing as it could feel like a bit of a slog before runs got going. This also nicely increases the contrast as the runs get more and more chaotic as time goes on [*] Fire, Ice and Poison Slugs no longer leave trails of their debuff behind when moving as this was the main source of bad performance when multiple were on screen at once. Their on death damage areas now last a bit longer (from 5 to 8 seconds) to compensate [*] Improved enemy spawns on the ice cave loop island where enemies would often get stuck on the left side [*] Grenade Crab projectile speed and explosion radius slightly increased (they were overly nerfed before and should be a threatening enemy) [*] Launcher Crabs now have worse aim but fire a triple shot instead of a double shot [*] Enemy fire damage area lifetimes have been reduced from 6 seconds to 4 seconds so it should be much less likely to run into situations where the entire ground is covered in fire [*] Removed damage cap on all Elite and Boss enemies that prevented them taking more than 15% of their max health in a single shot [*] Enemies that are immune to ice (Elites and Bosses) now take full ice damage but can continue moving and attacking as usual [*] Enemy health increase per horde wave increased from +10% to +25% (ideally on longer hordes they can actually be overwhelming) [*] Enemy crystal rewards on Horde islands are based on their original max health to keep Horde islands balanced while still allowing for huge amounts of enemies to spawn [*] Ants now have a longer spawn animation to give you more time to react before they start attacking [*] Barrel Skull projectiles that spawn barrels no longer deal 1 damage- no more ruined flawless challenges! [*] Added new sounds for Starfish to improve their telegraphing and slightly increased their damage radius [/list] [b]QUALITY OF LIFE CHANGES [/b] [list] [*] You can now drop crystals for your teammates (finally!) [*] Adjusted enemy hitboxes to prevent them getting stuck in walls [*] Projectiles can now be fired in any location (no more weapons invisibly breaking on parkour islands) and the blue barriers around each island will block projectiles (making bouncing shot builds more effective on open islands) [*] Added some new placeholder totem visuals for the Random, Glass, Gold and Fuse totems to better identify them [*] Any crystals spawned AFTER an island has been cleared in Ultra Chaos difficulty no longer need to be manually picked up (to prevent boring backtracking to distant destructible rocks) [*] Friendly energy rings are now green to make it easier to distinguish between friendly and enemy rings [*] Made a simplified green health bar for turrets to more easily tell them apart from enemies [*] Changed the Volcanic biome sand to a lighter color to improve visibility [*] You no longer collide with turrets as they often just got in the way [*] Added UI to see how many crystals your teammates have. This replaces the score UI text for now, will decide on what to do with that in the future [*] Breaking destructible rocks / landmines no longer knocks enemies back (this had an anti-synergy with fire rocks as they’d be knocked AWAY from the fire zone) [*] Lesser projectiles (like Mace Shot) now update their tint if they have an elemental debuff from enhancement totems [*] Optimized Crimson Haze VFX as they were causing FPS drops on busy islands [*] Weapon mastery challenges that required Nightmare difficulty now also work when you win on Ultra Chaos [*] Landmine Shot / Landmine Explosion landmines are now spawned in a much more stable way- no more landmines flying off in random directions and missing the target! [*] Removed the camera shake that happened when Critical Arrows hit nearby which was very annoying in combination with Damage Aura [*] You no longer trigger your own landmines by walking near them [*] Improved parkour spawns and adjusted banana positions for cases where players were sliding under them [*] Improved barrel physics to be less unstable [*] Improved cases where enemies took a long time to spawn on certain islands [*] Reduced interact radius to prevent situations where you’d accidentally enter a portal while choosing chest loot [*] Increased global projectile limit from 500 to 750 and projectiles are cleaned up 66% faster so it should be harder to reach the projectile cap [*] You can now stand on top of enemies [/list] [b]BUG FIXES [/b] [list] [*] Finally fixed the issue that caused non-hosting players to get kicked from multiplayer games when too much was going on at once [*] Fixed dual wield weapons canceling Pickaxe and Hammer damage when firing at the same time. This will be improved in the future to also work consistently on claw and dagger [*] Fixed issue that caused you to get eliminated when interacting with spiked chests while poisoned [*] Fixed some perks exploding barrels when you spawned into an island, dealing unavoidable damage [*] Fixed issue that caused shop loot to cost 0 crystals when going far enough into a run [*] Fixed issue that could cause less pickups than usual to appear in chests [*] Fixed issue that allowed the same relic to spawn in multiple chests on the same island even if you had just picked up that relic in a previous chest [*] Fixed bug that prevented Auto Loot from working on Rare Treasure / Driller / Boss key pickups when no chests spawned (due to High Roller or similar) [*] Fixed Steam achievements not completing even if you had the corresponding in game challenge completed already [*] Fixed auto melee not working when melee cooldown reduction perks were equipped [*] Fixed big lag spikes that could happen when firing at teammates with piercing weapons such as the flamethrower [*] Fixed Aura perks not working after you respawned in multiplayer games [*] Fixed issue that caused terrain to change shape at high FOVs [*] Fixed Thorn Shot not dealing the full amount of damage advertised as they expired too soon after hitting enemies [*] Fixed various holes in the borders of different islands that could create softlocks [*] Fixed not all barrels getting destroyed when islands are cleared [*] Fixed flickering / disappearing chests when at the edge of the screen [*] Fixed spore mushrooms not aligning to enemies correctly [*] Fixed Driller not calculating correctly in multiplayer games- you should see it trigger more consistently now [*] Added the correct Driller % chance to the inventory UI for multiplayer games (previously it didn’t show the scaled value- shared Driller chance divided by the number of players * 0.5) [*] Fixed issue that allowed you to parry (block) your own damage areas which made healing trivial with the Ring Of Parrying [*] Fixed visual bug that prevented turrets from rotating correctly for non hosting players [*] Fixed Elite Barrel Skull barrels spawning under the ground [*] Fixed bug that allowed Arcane to crit and deal huge bonus damage in certain situations [*] Fixed demolition nests having inconsistent amounts of armor plates [*] Fixed Amber Resin not working with perks like Grim Reaper [*] Fixed explosions being invisible on Minimal weapon effects setting [*] Fixed some destructibles like spore and ultra mushrooms being immune to turret damage [*] Fixed auto looting keys also giving you the salvage crystals for them [*] Fixed the difficulty UI being cut off on some screen resolutions [*] Fixed incorrect aura perk inventory descriptions (they now all deal the correct debuff amounts) [*] Fixed turrets not targeting shielded enemies even after the shields had been broken [*] Fixed turrets not visually aiming at enemies properly [*] Fixed issue that caused circular crosshairs to disappear when aiming [*] Fixed exploit that allowed non-hosting players to farm wins at the victory crown island [*] Fixed several rare crashes [*] Fixed several Relic inventory description values not matching up with their actual values [*] Removed the > 100% resolution quality graphics setting options as they were lowering performance with little to no visual gain [/list] As always thank you so much for playing my game, it's the reason that I'm still here working on it 🦀 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37274156/412ed1bfbd6e71221eb483fb3aeb61c4790e24ca.png[/img]