"The Dreamlands: Aisling's Quest" is now available!

The Dreamlands: Aisling's Quest

Help Aisling free The Dreamlands from The Mourner! The Dreamlands: Aisling's Quest is an adventure game that blends fantasy and mystery elements to present a gripping story.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32328646/f8dab5480b32ef70c301ed0ae36561f2e3ac6757.png[/img] Hello all! I'm very happy to let you all know that "The Dreamlands: Aisling's Quest" is now available on Steam, and a [b]DRM-FREE VERSION[/b] will be available [url=http://www.thedomaginarium.com] on my website [/url] later today. This is a very special event because, while "The Dreamlands: Aisling's Quest" is somewhat different to other games I've made, it retains the same focus on storytelling. I hope you like the game, and if you do, please leave a review. Also, if you run into troubles, let me know in the forums. Please buy "The Dreamlands: Aisling's Quest" now! http://store.steampowered.com/app/821550/