[UPDATE] Graphics changes, improved hint system

The Dreamlands: Aisling's Quest

Help Aisling free The Dreamlands from The Mourner! The Dreamlands: Aisling's Quest is an adventure game that blends fantasy and mystery elements to present a gripping story.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32328646/68944154a74e19714bbba3c6f4e44f40a31cff24.jpg[/img] Hello all! I'm happy to announce The Dreamlands: Aisling's Quest has gone through a really nice update that you can download today! If you have automatic updates enabled, the update will download as soon as you open the Steam client. The changes I've made to the game are: - Modified the atmosphere in most of the areas in the game. Areas have a nicer looking fog effect. - Better looking colors and a new nice camera effect. Scenes now have more vivid colors that add to the "dream-like" look and feel. - Improved visuals for the ending. Now the ending has a nicer visual effect to better reflect the change in Aisling's state of mind. - Improved hint system to avoid any confusion. If the current screen doesn't need something to be hinted, the game will display a message saying that "there's nothing of interest" rather than remaining silent. If you still don't own "The Dreamlands: Aisling'sQuest" and you want to get it right now, you can get a BIG discount for a Steam key on my itch.io page [url=https://thedomaginarium.itch.io/aislingsquest]here[/url] You can also get [url=https://itch.io/s/11853/the-domaginariums-bundle]The Domaginarium's bundle[/url] that includes "The Dreamlands: Aisling's Quest" and "The Nightmare from Beyond" (currently in alpha-funding-mega-overhaul-phase) for an EVEN BIGGER discount.