[h3]Rise now, Lightning.
Your master beckons. Serve with unwavering faith and rain down your fury upon all who dare stand in defiance.[/h3]
If you were among the early adopters during the initial testing, here's what you should expect from the demo this time.
[h2]Item affixes are fully implemented and working. [/h2]
Combine different effects and create your own builds of destruction!
[h2]New weapons. [/h2]
Each weapon type performs and plays differently. They also have different animations, hit range, and speed, so play around with them to find what best suits your play style!
[h2]Hot swap weapons in combat. [/h2]
You can now carry two different weapons at a time. Swap them with ease during the fights to quickly adapt to the situation and inflict even more damage!
[h2]New monsters. [/h2]
Dodge the venomous Vipers lurking in the shadows. Tread carefully.
Face Hags - new summoners capable of raining exploding Bombers and other monsters on you (quite literally).
[h2]Renovated Molten Cathedral. [/h2]
The symphony of upgrades is resounding! Discover new ways to temper your gear! Expect more ways to forge and fuse items and artifacts in the future. If you have any ideas regarding the specific mechanics, let me know on Discord!
[h2]Level progression. [/h2]
You can now level up your character in the Hall of Reflections, each time increasing your power by 5% per level.
[h2]New tutorial. [/h2]
Learn the basics of gameplay in a new tutorial that covers the most important aspects of the game (from movement and healing to unlocking and assigning skills), and take a look at juicy in-game cinematics!
[h2]The updated level layout. [/h2]
I moved the boss dungeon under the main castle tower, making the path to your main objective even more intense and interesting. The watchtower is now an optional point of interest, but I still recommend stopping by it. The level also has more secrets and Motes of Power to find.
[h2]Difficulty settings. [/h2]
You can now customise (levels of suffering) the difficulty of the game. Approach the altar at the portal platform in Amarict to play with the Fate.
[h2]New languages. [/h2]
Play the game in English, Spanish, German, Russian, Portuguese (Brazil) and Simplified Chinese with more languages to come with the full release!
[h2]Advanced graphics and control settings. [/h2]
Choose between several display options (‘retro’ and ‘modern’), set your own frame rate limits or color limitations, enable DLSS, TSR and change other upscaling settings. Rebind controls and enable mouse inversion. The power truly is in your hands. More can always be added, just let me know, and I'll see if that's possible.
This demo is my offering to you, and it is here to stay for a bit, while I prepare to release VOIN into Early Access later this year.
I hope you will be pleased with what you see.
If you wish to contribute your sacred feedback or inform me of any bugs, caused by the corrupted dark will, you can do so in [url=https://discord.gg/aG72maUUnA]Discord[/url].
If you're seeking advice or if you need a good luck blessing, witness a stream hosted by one of my devotees on the game's store page.
Until then,
Keep the cleansing going.
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[*] [url=https://www.youtube.com/@Sozidar]YouTube[/url]