New Demo Patch #1 is out

For the Steam Next Fest where VOIN is present the demo has been updated with several improvements and fixes: [list] [*] The tutorial has been simplified and streamlined, making it more coherent and faster to complete. [*] Corrupted items have been revamped. They no longer apply Weakness. Instead, their properties remain hidden until you cleanse them. Deckard Cain is now a bell. [*] IMPORTANT! :loudspeaker: We've fixed numerous bugs, including issues with key bindings. To do this, we had to rewrite all key-input logic. Unfortunately, this means old save files will no longer be compatible, and you'll need to start fresh. I understand this can be frustrating, and I promise that save resets will only happen again if absolutely necessary. [/list] If you encounter any bugs or have feedback, please share them in the community section, thank you!