As humanity’s elite space trooper, you take on a heroic, action-packed adventure throughout the galaxy. Explore planets, protect colonies, and be the first to meet the unknown! Dive into the original story inspired by James S.A. Corey’s The Expanse series...
[h3][b]Orange Cast demo will be available on Steam for a week!
Check this [url=]trailer[/url] out, tovarish!
[h2]GAME SUMMARY:[/h2]
[b]Genre:[/b] TPS Action/RPG
[b]Platforms:[/b] PC, PS4 and Xbox One
[b]Game mode:[/b] Single-player
[b]Engine:[/b] Unreal Engine 4
[b]Inspired by:[/b]
The storyline and the lore are deeply inspired by this awesome book series.
Art design and narrative structure are similar to Orange Cast in many ways. And we are the fans.
STALKER (2007)
Mood, level design, Soviet themes. Except it is in Space.
[i]As humanity’s elite space trooper, you take on a heroic,
action-packed adventure throughout the galaxy. Explore
planets, protect colonies, and be the first to meet the
unknown! Dive into the original story inspired by James
S.A. Corey’s The Expanse series...[/i]
[i]Orange Cast is a third-person Action/RPG game.
Challenge a secret enemy who hides his presence in the
the darkness of this universe.
Explore worlds, fight for them, and survive![/i]
[h3]Don't forget to [url=]wishlist us[/url]![/h3]
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