As humanity’s elite space trooper, you take on a heroic, action-packed adventure throughout the galaxy. Explore planets, protect colonies, and be the first to meet the unknown! Dive into the original story inspired by James S.A. Corey’s The Expanse series...
[h2][b]We're absolutely delighted to announce PATCH 2.0 is now available![/b][/h2]
It has been a lot of time since we have started to work on Orange Cast. It has been a lot of fun developing this game from start to finish and we are all proud of the game we have developed.
Thank you to everyone who played The Game. The community helped us find bugs and helped to improve the final game.
In other news, we have another exciting announcement to share!
Open word, naval action, piracy, fierce combat and sieges, role play, VR support - [url=][u][i]Buccaneers![/i][/u][/url] is all that and more! Coming soon, in September! Please [b]wishlist and follow[/b] to support an awesome team of indie developers and naval history enthusiasts!
- (!!!) Major GUI update - including the combat one. It should be much easier to swap weapons, watch HP and use abilities.
- (!!!) 3rd person camera was improved and a playable character now uses less room in it.
- (!!!) Plenty of animations (both PC and AI) improved - transitions between different animations, overall quality.
- (!!!) New sound effects for all guns, taking damage, movement, GUI and abilities.
- (!!) Added Hit Screen - now it’s much easier to observe when and how often the PC was hit.
- (!!) Hit Marks improved - visual and sound wise.
- (!!) Certain enemies had been rebalanced, now they fit better to the story and the learning curve.
- (!!) New voices and sound effects for numerous types of enemies.
- (!!) New GUI element - combat and damage efficiency for a gun you are holding.
- (!!!) Combat AI animations and behavior improved including: combat movement and navigation, aiming, turning, gore.
- (!) Alt, Ctrl, и Shift incorrect binding is fixed.
- (!) Better and more logical weapon and ammo drop.
- (!) Flying and racing mini-games significantly improved.
- (!) Lower sound volume of the Soviet scientific drones.
- (!!) By the community’s request, we added autoloot (ammo, grenades) upon approaching ammo crates.
- (!!) Dialogue window improved.
- (!!) Added Field Of View adjustment to the settings.
- (!!) Weapons swap improved - now it’s easier to loot and equip weapons.
- (!!) Combat rolls improved - they are now quicker, optimized and provide better damage protection.
- (!!) Now you can use more than one ability at once - we added separate cooldowns.
[h1]Ask The Dev[/h1]
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