The Alchemical Update #08

Little Noah: Scion of Paradise

Join the genius alchemist Noah and her cat companion Zipper as they explore ancient ruins to uncover the secrets hidden within! Create unique teams and combos from 40+ recruitable allies in this casual but compelling game!

Hello everyone! If you caught our "Director Let's Play & Announcement" video in the previous Alchemical Update, you know that we've been busy brewing up new content for Little Noah: Scion of Paradise. Today, we're happy to announce that our fourth major update is out! (For those who missed the video, check it out [url=]here[/url].) Now, let's talk about what's included in Major Update #4! ------ New VERY HARD Difficulty This mode will be available from System > Options in the menu after clearing the game, along with VERY HARD+ and VERY HARD++ upon additional completions. Zip Around the Ruins as Zipper Upon clearing the game, the option to play as Zipper will be unlocked in the Avatars menu. When playing as Zipper, you'll have less HP and won't be able to use potions. On the other hand (or is it paw?), you'll have increased movement speed and be able to perform double jumps, as well as a modified dash, Aether Thrust, and Avatar Burst. Toggle Airship Facilities On and Off You can now restrict airship facilities and the appearance of Lilliputs and accessories to tweak gameplay difficulty. This feature is accessible from the airship once airship repairs reach 30% through the Customize Game menu. When an airship facility is restricted, its effects won't apply to Noah; restricting the appearance of Lilliputs and Accessories will cause them to not appear during expeditions. Airship repair progress won’t be affected by restrictions, so feel free to experiment and find what works best for you! ------ We hope you enjoy exploring the ruins as Zipper! Keep an eye out for our next update! Until we meet again! Little Noah Development Team