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Fallen Aces

The A.C.E.S, watchful guardians of Switchblade City, are being taken down, one by one. Now it's up to one man, with two fists, to get to the bottom of it all. Fallen Aces is a crime noir FPS that plays right out of the '90s and looks like it's right outta the comics.

[h3]Holy cannoli, what a week it's been for us ovah here at New Blood. Over [b]70,000[/b] goons whalloped, over [b]2000[/b] [i]Overwhelmingly Positive[/i] reviews! WE DID PRETTY GOOD, EH?! But we ain't even begun, kiddos.[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38693071/f4703b0410c16381a117f4d331a77acc50b35b94.png[/img] [h3]First things first, we got an update for ya - and it's out... [b]RIGHT NOW![/b][/h3] [u][h3]We got autosaves![/h3][/u] The game will now save every time an objective is updated (and even some other places) so you ain't gonna lose no more progress! [i]But just in case, don't forget to use dem F6 and F9 keys, alright?[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38693071/ab8dd4269a813a2b30262b8a6792e10097fa266f.png[/img] We now got slots for [b]Quicksaves, Autosaves and Manual Saves[/b], ordered automatically by your most recent - [i]you can even delete dem saves![/i] Unfortunately [u]some of your saves ain't gonna work no more[/u] because we've made some level changes, but your progress is gonna be all good, boss! [u][h3]We also got some new options![/h3][/u] We got crouch toggle and sprint toggle! (for those of ya with dem old fingers) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38693071/2ab3eb94c9d559ff70d333573dcf223ed6e2293e.png[/img] You can even [b]disable controller support[/b] now so your racing wheel don't somehow start spinning when you start up Nightwave's car, hah! [u][h3]Speaking of Nightwave[/h3][/u] We moved his dog food eatin' ass up higher in Level 2 so he can snipe more goons! [i]Ya welcome![/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38693071/7395e8e895ecc5b1f2432acc0431e7b461f4c9a5.png[/img] We've also updated the map and boat objectives a bit to make it a bit easier to figure out what ya gotta do in that level. Happy, detective? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38693071/426a8810863248ead4087811adaa87111ab7cce7.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38693071/c4221d7cd957b2125c5021e90697bf0dd3c8a77d.png[/img] We also made some small adjustments to levels 3, 4 and 5 plus fixed plenty of bugs. Go have a look, see if ya can spot what we "made better" wise guy. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38693071/9d1c71849f7e1b3b40d1fc24b84b426be7403ebf.jpg[/img] Now we also heard some of yous saying the game was [b]TOO EASY?![/b] Well guess what, [b]tough guy[/b] - we made hard mode harder! But that's not all... [u][h3]WE GOT CUSTOM DIFFICULTY NOW.[/h3][/u] Go ahead! Make the game as hard or as easy as ya want. Want Mike to do [b]no[/b] damage? heheh good luck. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38693071/2547c9d2a5d43c0917d13ad3b953386eccd4bfdf.png[/img] Want Mike to kill everyone in one hit and have blind goons stand around all day looking for im? Go nuts! [i][b]It's a video game, kiddo - we're not the boss of ya![/b][/i] That's what we got for ya today... [u][h3]HERE'S WHAT WE'RE WORKING ON NEXT[/h3][/u] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38693071/e05e35029439db6276f2fb016ba2da79defdb1cc.png[/img] What's that? It's [i][b]Nightwave's garage[/b][/i] ya dumb palooka! This will be where Mike will be able to go between missions to stock up on food, ammo, weapons, health items and eventually spend all that money on [b]UPGRADES.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38693071/8cc29355c3ef7bcf291690d59f6cdbd6c1e9021d.png[/img] That's right, we'll let ya [b]carry more stuff, do more damage, take less damage, maybe even give Mike an ammo pouch and a little lunchbox![/b] heheh [b]Will it have a shooting range?[/b] [i]OF COURSE IT'LL HAVE A SHOOTING RANGE WHAT SORTA VIDEO GAME DO YOU THINK THIS IS WHY I OUGHTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[/i] [u][h3]ANYWAY...[/h3][/u] We're also working on the [b]Secret Level for Episode 1[/b], having our old buddy [b]Andrew Hulshult[/b] do an audio pass on things like the cutscenes, working on getting [b]new enemies and weapons[/b] into the game and even some [b]more civilians[/b] you can terrorize! (or help, ya lunatic) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38693071/e8daa3f566bd16c1ac22a9625ee07f4fb28fdbe0.jpg[/img] This is of course in addition to our upcoming [b]Level Editor and Steam Workshop support[/b], as well as a [b]new demo[/b]! Oh and for all yous complaining about the game not running on that there [b]Steam Deck[/b], don't worry - [i][b]WE'RE WORKIN ON ITTTTTTTT[/b][/i] (Until then you can find [url=]plenty of workarounds for Steam Deck on the forums that seem to work[/url] so far!) Thanks so much for the love you've all shown us guys and gals ovah here at New Blood. You know we work hard to bring you that good shit! Talk [b]SOON™[/b] you goons. [b][u]Full patch notes:[/u][/b] [u]New Additions[/u] [list] [*] Autosaves and save deletion [*] Custom Difficulty options with preset saving [*] Additional tutorial pop-up for weapon holstering (occurs once inventory is full for the first time) [*] Toggle Sprint option [*] Disable Controller option (for those with weird set-ups) [*] Player can now attack/throw/shoot while sprinting. (Sprinting now costs stamina!) [/list] [u]General Fixes[/u] [list] [*] Can no longer take out lighter while carrying certain items underwater [*] Improved thrown weapon detection, hopefully reducing the amount of objects phasing through enemies [*] Fixed issue where save/loading would remove journal preview images and objectives [*] Fixed issue saving while a journal objective was on screen could cause the objective text to get stuck on screen [*] Fixed issue where players could bug out if save/loading while on a ladder [*] Fixed inconsistency with guitar attack noises [*] Fixed issue where Mike's leg could get stuck on screen [*] Fixed issue where ragdolled enemies could open doors [*] Fixed issue where thrown enemies could break cracked walls [*] Fixed issue where player could start a new game during a skippable cutscene, resulting in them loading into the wrong level or with the wrong scripts [*] Fixed issue where bodies couldn't be grabbed underwater [*] Fixed save/load issue with loot pools breaking gumball machines and parking meters [/list] [u]Level Fixes[/u] Level 1: [list] [*] Fixed comic book store dialogue that wasn’t triggering [/list] Level 2: [list] [*] Detailed above card room [*] Adjustments to ship interior to make Control Room Key easier to find [*] Added S.S. Manticore decal to side of ship [*] Updated journal objectives for clarity [*] Fixed various underlay issues [*] Updated Nightwave sniping position to allow for better view of the docks [*] Reaching the S.S. Manticore now counts towards “Make it across the Harbour” objective progress [*] Fixed rain/ambient triggers [*] Fixed reversed Wightnave [/list] Level 3: [list] [*] Updated Blake’s garage doors to automatically open after clearing the Junkyard [*] Fixed various underlay issues [/list] Level 4: [list] [*] Updated journal objectives for clarity [*] Fixed various underlay issues [*] Moved bloody handprint clue for clarity [*] Fixed Benedetto styled goons spawning instead of Glassheart [*] Disabled blank notes in the outbuilding bedroom and garage area [/list] Level 5: [list] [*] Fixed various underlay issues [*] Added ladder by hot dog stand to make Delia stealth escapes a bit easier [*] Repositioned Malone key, moved from supply closet to bouncer entrance desk [*]Added more gabagool [/list]