Dying Light: The Beast is a thrilling standalone zombie adventure set in a tightly-crafted rural region. Play as Kyle Crane, a legendary hero who breaks free after years of brutal experiments. Now, he must realize there’s more at stake than just revenge.
We are thrilled to announce that Dying Light: The Beast has passed 1 million wishlists in less than 10 weeks, making it the fastest-wishlisted game in the Dying Light franchise! We’re overjoyed by this incredible support from our fans and can’t wait to reveal more about Castor Woods.
Thank you for believing in us and for your enthusiasm for Kyle Crane's next adventure. Your excitement fuels our passion, and we are committed to delivering an unforgettable experience.
If you haven’t already, wishlist [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/3008130/Dying_Light_The_Beast/]Dying Light: The Beast[/url] now and subscribe to get all news, updates and behind-the-scenes dev blogs right when they are released.