
In a world ravaged by World War III, a group of survivors found safety at the top of the trees, only without the resources of the caves the city of Marmoset will not have a future, however you can change that.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41326951/c632f2a17271dbf543933491758ca710e7dc1919.png[/img] Are you ready to gain or lose your precious crystals? If so, stop by Saguilândia and have fun, or be angry, in the mini betting games! [b]UPDATE CONTENT[/b] [list] [*] Added a casino with mini betting games inside Saguilândia. [*] Added an initial training phase to teach basic game commands. [*] Added more items and increased luck for the best items from the chests inside the caves. [*] Added a new attack mode for Luna, where the player when running, presses the letter S and slides on the ground [*] Minor changes to the cave's initial levels. [*] Bug fixes. [/list] Follow @Luamargames on Instagram, when I reach 1000 followers, I'll give away 10 game keys on Instragam itself. Don't forget to rate the game to help make it visible on the Steam store. Thank you all so much and good fun!!!