Take me down to Off-Peak City, where the canal is clean and the pizza's pithy | Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1 | Gamehypes

Take me down to Off-Peak City, where the canal is clean and the pizza's pithy

Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1

On the corner of July Avenue and Yam Street, all is not what it seems. What role will you play in a city's fate?

Yes, the next game from Cosmo D looks just as surreal and musical as Off-Peak and The Norwood Suite. Today he formally announced the first volume of Tales From Off-Peak City, a series of stories set on the same city block in his wonderful world. I am particularly taken with a city canal apparently being clean enough to swim in. If Cosmo D’s games weren’t already set in the sort of dreamy spaces my mind idly wanders to, that would seal it. That and the pizza. Here, watch the trailer.
