Symphony of War Fan Art Contest is on!

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga

Enter Tahnra, a land savaged by war. You, a fresh academy graduate with humble beginnings, will grow to lead a grand army against a corrupt adversary. Gather heroes, form bonds, and lead your force in turn-based battles. Make use of tactics, terrain, morale and more to bring peace to the land!

[b]Please join our Discord channel:[/b] Greetings from the dev team! We are thrilled to announce that the first Symphony of War Fan Art Contest is officially a go! And it's going to last [u]SIX WEEKS[/u] to truly give you the time to create a masterpiece! [h1][u][b]Prizes![/b] [/u][/h1] [h2][b]1st Place[/b][/h2] -5 free Steam Keys just in time for the holidays -Create a unique Mercenary of your choice in game (after collaboration with us) -Create a unique Artifact of your choice in game (after collaboration with us) -Get your name into the random name bank -Earn prestigious Discord role unique to contest winners -Automatic entry into the SoW Beta team [h3][b]2nd Place[/b][/h3] -1 free Steam Key just in time for the holidays -Create a unique Mercenary of your choice in game (after collaboration with us) -Get your name into the random name bank -Automatic entry into the SoW Beta team [b]3rd Place[/b] -Create a unique Mercenary of your choice in game (after collaboration with us) -Get your name into the random name bank -Automatic entry into the SoW Beta team [b]4th - 10th Place[/b] -Get your name into the random name bank [u][b]Contest Rules:[/b][/u] -Steam submission process: Submit one picture by replying to the Steam thread, here: -Discord submission process: Submit one picture by posting it in the #fan-art-contest - -Must be safe for work! Don't submit anything you'd be embarrassed to show your grandmother* -Must be relevant to Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga - it's characters, world, lore, etc. -Cannot use the actual assets from the game, must be a new work -Obviously, you may submit artwork done by you... -But also, you may submit commissioned work done by another artist, if commissioned by you! Art direction is a skill too! -Not fulfilling any one of these guidelines is grounds for disqualification, which can be done at our discretion *Real Talk: I'm well aware a couple characters (Beatrix and Diana), if depicted accurately to in-game graphics, could be interpreted as NSFW. I do strongly believe these characters can be depicted accurately in a tasteful way and I do not want to restrict submissions of these characters. We can have a one-on-one about it if there's any doubt, no worries. [u][b]Judging Guidelines:[/b][/u] It is very difficult to list criteria here, as artwork is so subjective. Veracity/loyalty to Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga's characters, world-building, lore, events will factor in, but outside of that, we appreciate all manner of artistic merits other than sheer quality and beauty. Creativity, dynamism, a great new take on an existing character, etc. [b]AI-Generated Art:[/b] Just recently, AI-generated graphics have exploded in popularity. I'm more than happy to let you showcase what you've come up with - I don't want to completely stifle a fan's enthusiasm by expressing themselves through AI generators. However due to the nature of the contest and community feedback, AI-generated art will not be eligible for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place prizes. [b]Artwork must not contain material that:[/b] -Contains material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; - Contains indecent or unsafe behavior or situations, profanities or obscenities, including but not limited to nudity, or pornography, or is otherwise inappropriate, indecent, profane, obscene, hateful, tortuous, slanderous or libelous; -Does not comply with the terms or conditions or guidelines posted by Steam or Discord; -Is otherwise inappropriate, objectionable, or unsuitable for the uses contemplated in these Official Rules, including for presentation in a public forum, as determined by Dev team in its sole discretion. [b]Please follow our Twitch channel for weekly live dev streams:[/b] [b]Please join our Discord channel:[/b] Thank you for your interest, support, and feedback as we continue to make Symphony of War all it deserves to be! Sincerely, Phil (Image credits: Kerifik, YourMaskedDitto)