Swarm Update (v1.2)

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25605413/3cc7917f1ae7712f928ffb6cda147ddc905a2192.jpg[/img]Version 1.2 (14.06.2018) store.steampowered.com/app/484930 Along with a [b]Nintendo Switch[/b] version we're releasing this massive update for Steam. :beekyr_oh: [h1]BUG-FIXES:[/h1] - Menu texts fixed: Some computers were displaying some serif default font. - Accuracy fixed: Some bullets didn't count towards the bonus percentage. - Enemy shooting fixed. Some shooters were aiming too high. - FULLSCREEN (WINDOWED) added. [i]It solves low FPS problems in some PCs[/i] [h1]GRAPHIC UPDATES:[/h1] - Help images and controller images: updated. - Grey bars to correct aspect ratio in some resolutions, converted to black bars. - Added several 'Game Over' screens... - Storm effect will appear even with particles disabled. [i]It was breaking the mood of the stage without any rain.[/i] - Storm under HW80s, lightnings will flash-blink instead of fading away. - Smooth blend to black on level start, fixed. - Graphics menu slightly enhanced. - Some new effects in some boss' bullets. [h1]MUSIC UPDATES:[/h1] - New menu / title music - New 'stage completed' song. - New Stage 3-3 song. - New 'final boss' song. - [i]New sound effects[/i] [h1]LEADERBOARDS:[/h1] - Now scores can be classified by difficulty by pressing 'Bomb' button while viewing the general leaderboards. [h1]BEE-SQUAD:[/h1] - Only gets fired when you press bomb, but it doesn't get sent if you were already pressing the bomb button at the same time player collects a B item. - Combos start from 5 hits (before it started at 20) [h1]VISUAL FILTERS:[/h1] - PIXELS - GREEN MONOCHROME [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jljGBtkvseY]Demo[/url] - ORANGE MONOCHROME - VCR [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nDo03_zLcs]Demo[/url] - NO COLORS - OLD SEPIA MOVIE [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc63rK7IFrU]Demo[/url] - GRAIN - HEXAGONS - VIGNETTE - BLEACH - ARCADES 80s [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zEy_kf5R2E]Demo[/url] - ARCADES 90s - VINTAGE 70s [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjV4XokRcrQ]Demo[/url] - VINTAGE 80s [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-zqkuEVxi4]Demo[/url] - BW INVERT - TRIPPIN [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIH2O7FfvdY]Demo[/url] - PURPLE HILLS [i]more...[/i] - SATURATION (for BEEKYR 2013) - APIDYA [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=268ZTB2o-Ro]Demo[/url] - VORTEX ATTACK [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX95LMrHQ3o]Demo[/url] [b]HW80s mode.[/b] Some retro filters will respect some limitations from hardware built in the 80s: - No rotations - Non-smooth vertical scrolling - No color fading to transparent (except interludes) - No particles [h1]GAMEPLAY:[/h1] [b]Coop mode:[/b] - Increases bosses' HP & score . They were far too easy when both players were power maxed out): : HP from x1.5 to x1.85 : Score from x1 to x1.25 - Coop power-up items (Purple P) fly faster now. - Hive defender (Stage 4-3) HP raised 15% - Queen#4 HP raised 16% [b]BULLET HELL Mode[/b]: Bosses have x1.65 more HP and x1.25 more Score [b]ELITE mode:[/b] Let players to play all "Secret levels II". But they are not necessary to submit score to the leaderboards. [h1]SECRET CHARACTERS:[/h1] [i]Sorry, they are all Easter eggs, you have to find them.[/i] - A Ships selector will appear once you unlock all secret ships. - Customized interlude screens for each one of them. - Characters will move with a normalized speed vector with the exception of coop player player and Beekyr Classic. - Vektar and Beekyr Classic give some extra points when collecting Bombs. [b]GAME CROSSOVERS:[/b] This is actually a lot of fun: Gameplay changes a lot. Some of them change the whole gameplay, it's like they were like new games! [b]Apidya (from Kaiko, 1992)[/b] - If you die you restart level. - Bombs are now stingers. - Power-ups are based in some of the original power-ups. [b]Vortex Attack (from KaleidoGames, 2016)[/b] [i]Until now it was quite a boring ship to choose but with this update it has become a lot of fun now.[/i] Boss-dialogues have been removed. It's, in general, a lot stronger than any other ship. But it has lets bullets, it moves slower and it has no bombs. But, if you try to accelerate scroll by moving ahead, it will reward you with extra points, but the risk of being killed is very high. But also, some special bosses attacks don't hit as hard and wind and waterfalls don't seem to have any impact. Also, this is something that I have borrowed from MSX cartridges system from 80s, if you own [b]Vortex Attack[/b] game and it's in your Steam library. Selecting Vektar will make a deep impact in how you see the game: [i]Replacing all backgrounds with beautiful space images, and all colours of the game will be changed as well.[/i] [h1]OTHERS:[/h1] - Now EN language as well as JA and CH display commas instead of dots in score numbers. - New KaleidoGames logo. - Some small adjustments in the tutorial. :beekyr_p::beekyr_p::beekyr_p: And that's all! ːsteamboredː Don't expect more updates for a while. I think we have had lots of cools stuff in the one and we can move into our next project. ːsteamhappyː Thanks for playing! Remember we created a Kaleidogames Steam Group. Please join us: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KaleidoGames [h1]WARNING:[/h1] [b]After the update, please make sure your files are correctly downloaded by verifying the game files from 'Beekyr Reloaded's properties from Steam client. Some users have reported very strange behaviours due corrupted updates. If this happens you can reinstall the game without losing data.[/b]