The giant hornets have destroyed your hive and taken the pollen. Fight the swarms alone or with a friend and destroy the dangerous hornet queen! The insect world is very dangerous but... what are you waiting for to get your revenge?
We updated the game with some interesting fixes that should make the game run properly in almost ALL computers.
Untill this 1.2.2 version , Beekyr Reloaded was forcing VSync by default. Some monitors didn't like it and made the game run poorly.
[i]Yeah you read it well, it was the monitor, not your GPU / CPU or RAM!
Just to make it clear we couldn't use this engine feature till this summer.[/i]
Anyway, this is what the patch fixes:
- Now V-Sync is disabled by default. If you see some tearing, you can re-enable v-sync from Graphic Options.
- Filters are not breaking the game anymore (as far as we know)
- GUI filters are properly implemented now.
- Japanese texts have been revised and rewriten in many places.
[u]If you have suggestions or want to help with your native lanaguage version, please let us know![/u]
- Game uses a bit less video memory (VRAM).
- And other minor fixes.
If you play 32bits version 1.2.1: V-Sync will be enabled but it will use less VRAM .
[b]All of this will be applied to the future XBOX version that will be released hopefully in a few months.[/b]
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Remember, you can [b]follow us[/b] to know when we release new games:
[b]After the update, please make sure your files are correctly downloaded by verifying the game files from 'Beekyr Reloaded's properties from Steam client.
Some users have reported very strange behaviours due corrupted updates.
If this happens you can reinstall the game without losing data.[/b]