SVFI Season Beta


SVFI: Squirrel Video Frame Interpolation. An app to enhance your low-fps video or image sequence into high framerate footage with AI

[h1]SVFI 6.18.3 Public Beta Release[/h1] Compared to the official version, the content currently in public beta is as follows: [olist] [*] [Professional Edition] Image sequence with a transparent channel and video support. Note that the image sequence needs to be saved as png or tiff, and the video will be forced to be exported using Apple ProRes 4444 yuva444p12le to retain the transparent channel; the speed of super-resolution and frame interpolation tasks will be halved because the transparent channel is treated as an independent video stream for processing. [*] [Professional Edition] NVIDIA RTX one-click HDR and fast super-resolution model. The NVIDIA APP needs to be installed. [*] SAIN frame interpolation model [*] RIFE 4.18 frame interpolation model [/olist] Problems that have been attempted to be fixed but are still in public beta for verification: [olist] [*] [Professional Edition] When the super-resolution ratio (e.g., 2x) does not match the model ratio (e.g., 4x), the output has a mosaic screen. [*] [Professional Edition] The output screen of RIFE TensorRT has jagged edges. [/olist] Interested friends, please go to the SVFI library page - Properties - Beta section, and pull down "beta" to enter the public beta.