SVFI 6.7.9


SVFI: Squirrel Video Frame Interpolation. An app to enhance your low-fps video or image sequence into high framerate footage with AI

[olist] [*] Add New Smoothness Optimization method [b]Diff Smooth[/b] for incorrectly exported footage (like exporting an original 24fps clip to 60fps with duplicate frames). [*] Add [b]Scene Extrapolation[/b] to reduce duplicate frames in VFI due to scene detection. Powerful VFI models like [b]GMFSS pg 104 [/b]are recommended to avoid generating artifacts. [*] Add new RIFE models with NCNN support. [*] [b](Pro)[/b] Add [b]alpha[/b](sr intensity) support for SR CUGAN TensorRT models. [*] Fix known bugs. [/olist]