Strategic Command: World War I is a new chapter in the Strategic Command Franchise. Relive this momentous conflict from the opening shots of 1914 to the final offensives. Strategic Command: World War I covers all the main aspects and theatres of the war.
A new update is available for Strategic Command: World War I.
Here is the [b]full changelog[/b]:
- Fixed an issue with HQ attachments and the associated HQ ratings and experiences that could be lost under rare circumstances (Chernobyl).
- Fixed a FREE UNIT error that led to unattackable units if they formed on surrendered and occupied territory and assigned to a Major that was not yet fully mobilized and belligerent (klschult).
- Fixed an error that did not have AI controlled Minors properly upgrade when they could (Elessar2).
- Fixed an issue where subs that dove after an air unit attack did not always remain hidden (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed a National Morale bars drawing error when new Majors are created via a SURRENDER event (Lothos).
- Fixed a sub unit error that allowed you to regain full AP when setting the mode to Hunt after a swap (Soulcollector).
- Fixed a sub unit error that allowed you to regain full AP when setting the mode to Hunt after an attack (Spitfireca).
- Fixed a rare PBEM++ crash error (DethMorgaw).
- Fixed a Research Costs Refund error for games that have RESEARCH disabled (Beriand).
- Fixed a controlled movement error that would lead to a CTD when attempting to move over top of a sub that is hidden under a fully visible sea hex (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed an AI sub raiding error that had subs navigate towards active enemy convoy lines where they are not yet belligerent with the recipient nation (Lothos).
- Fixed an error that would incorrectly reveal silent subs during any type of replay under FoW if they have not yet been spotted (OldCrowBalthazor).
- Fixed an error where disabled resource upgrades were still able to upgrade (Lothos).
- Fixed an automatic preparation for war error that would lead to a CTD under rare circumstances (Yvan1326).
- Fixed a Special Forces amphibious embarkation issue that now has SF focus on available ports and adjacent hexes next to ports before other available embarkation hexes (kjgokc2007, petedalby).
- Fixed a CTD that may occur when using either the sleep, upgrade or reinforce tool and then clicking the prev/next unit buttons (Surt).
- Fixed an AI Transport error that would have AI transports at less than 50% strength possibly embark and then immediately return to port (Lothos).
- Fixed a rare pathfinding error that led to an in game freeze (Von Hugo).
- Fixed an AI turn sub diving error that did not properly hide player control subs from the AI after a dive (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed an issue where towns would sometimes change control, despite not entering or formally gaining control of the town, after being attacked by a unit that moved first before attacking (Chernobyl).
- Rebasing an air unit lowers its spotting range in half, and rebased air units can no longer swap with an adjacent unit (Elessar2, Duedman).
- Air units in fog/rain, snow or sandstorm weather will now have their spotting range reduced to 1 hex (Lothos).
- Air units that attack a unit in fog/rain, snow or sandstorm weather will no longer de-entrench.
- Pathfinding routine optimized with a 3X improvement for some of the worst long distance A to B pathfinding cases.
- Coastal Guns will now fire back at attacking naval units (archmache).
- Defender units that are destroyed before they can retreat will now output a 'Shattered' message to better indicate halved losses for the attacker (Taxman66).
- AI subs will now lock in to Hunt mode if the Fleet script is set to 'Naval Cruise' (Lothos).
- AI OFFENSIVE 'build up plans' will not automatically trigger versus a minor nation that is mobilized, unless the country owner of the OFFENSIVE plan is already at war with the parent of the minor target (Lothos).
- AI subs will no longer try and target land based convoys (Chernobyl).
- The automatic unit morale increase/decrease mechanism for friendly and enemy units upon a country surrender is now halved when more than 15% of the campaign has been played, e.g. the default impact will typically remain within the first year of the campaign.
- Placing a < symbol at the end of the #MAP_POSITION in STRENGTH scripts will allow for targeted units to be destroyed.
- Units set to a default of zero action points in the Editor can no longer transport.
- Enemy ZoC movement penalty values can now be separately set for land and naval units in the Movement Costs screen.
1914 Call to Arms; 1914 Triple Alliance
- The start date for the UK and Russian AI’s potentially using diplomacy aimed at Albania has been put back from August to November 1914 (mdsmall).
1914 Call to Arms; 1914 Triple Alliance; 1917 Fate of Nations
- Pop Ups advising the Central Powers to keep 4 German units near Warsaw corrected so the text will now appear correctly (Tanaka).
- Supply scripts corrected so that German vessels can also affect Italian shipping (Tanaka; Xwormwood).
- Corrected the Ottoman, Serbian and Montenegrin unit facings (Hydra).
- Corrected the UK’s Preparedness Movement Decisions, DE 140 & 141 so they will trigger either when Russia pulls out of the war, or when it surrenders (Hiryu).
- If the AI develops level 2 in Armored Warfare then it will now be far more likely to purchase a Tank Corps (Mithrilotter).
1917 Fate of Nations
- The impact of the French Army mutinies on French units has been increased (Mithrilotter).
- France no longer starts with a chit invested in Gas/Shell Production (Mithrilotter).
- The UK and France now start with level 1 in Armored Warfare (was 2) and 2 chits in Armored Warfare (was 1) (Mithrilotter).
- Germany now starts with 1 chit in Trench Warfare (Mithrilotter).