Story Improved. Update #268 Edited*

Sophie's Curse

You got a job, which is to take care of an old man during the night in a recently purchased house; this house does not have electricity and you have to rely on some kind of hand crank generators to light the place up, but there is something in the darkness draining their power, don’t let it happen!

Edited: Update#268 In this new update, I improved some of the mechanics of the game. -Sophie can now appear in front of you at any location (after 2 am) -The error's timer now last a bit longer. -Fixed a couple minor bugs that were found. -Story & ending improved. (update#265) Update#265 Just a quick update to let you guys know that I improved the story a little bit. Some people thought that it was too confusing and were left with many unanswered questions, but now is more straightforward and clear.