Steredenn 2.6.0: Incoming Transmission

Steredenn: Binary Stars

Steredenn is a frenetic and chaotic space shooter, carved in big beautiful pixels, with insane boss battles. Embark in your ship and engage the fight against dreadful space pirates in a never-ending combat for your survival.

Hello! You were probably not expecting an update, but here it is! 🚀 [h1]Features[/h1] [list] [*] Add Basque translation [*] Add a proper ending [*] Add an "easy" mode: It's not going to be super easy, despite the name "Space Tour", but it should allow more people to enjoy the game: more damages, more lives, slower bullets, more invincible time, slower bosses. Leaderboards are now split by difficulty. You can select the difficulty before starting a new solo or coop game. Arena and Daily runs will are locked in Normal. ALl unlocks and achievements are available in the easy mode. [*] New keyart/capsules [/list] [h1]Balances[/h1] [h2]Red Baron[/h2] [list] [*] add middle shot to spread [*] up laser dmg [*] +1 HP [/list] [h2]Game[/h2] [list] [*] Drop medikit before a boss after level 4 (Normal mode) [/list] [h2]Bosses[/h2] [list] [*] Nerf bomber MK1 very, very slightly [*] Nerf Battleship (first pattern) [/list] [h1]Bug fixes/technical stuffs[/h1] [list] [*] Use engine pixel perfect camera instead of a custom one (so we have a perfect ratio!) [*] Remove weird resolution tricks [*] Add discord link to menu [*] Update unity runtime and .NET version [*] Settings: allow fine tuning of camera shake value [*] Fix destroyer MK2 looping sound [/list] Have fun with the game! — Steredenn’s team.