SteamDolls - Order Of Chaos

Enter the world of Steamdolls in this narrative-driven stealth-meets-action adventure. Step into the blood-drenched shoes of The Whisper, played by David Hayter, and entrench yourself in the shadows of a labyrinthine city gone mad. You will know 4 words: ACTION, EXPLORATION, STEALTH, AND BLOOD.

HELLO CITIZENS, IT HAS BEEN A LONG TIME. WE ARE GLAD TO ANNOUNCE THAT AFTER MONTHS OF HARD LABOR, STEAMDOLLS IS RETURNING TO THE PUBLIC EYE. WE UNDERSTAND THAT IT HAS BEEN QUITE A WHILE SINCE THERE WAS AN UPDATE. WE WOULD LIKE TO ASSURE EVERYONE THAT IN THIS TIME, AN INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF WORK WAS DONE ON THE TITLE. WE ARE HAPPY TO SHARE THE FRUITS OF THIS LABOR WITH YOU STARTING TODAY. [previewyoutube=le4ZzEs0z4c;full][/previewyoutube] Hello everyone! It has indeed been a long time, and as you can see we've been busy - maybe a little too busy - since our last update. We wanted to make an update rehauling the Steam page for the game as well as introduce our plans for the next few months. Firstly, as you can see, the steam page has been overhauled from scratch - not only with new key art, but with new screenshots, gifs, and more! This content is all never before seen, and we've hoped to show everyone what has been worked on over the past few years. With that all being said, we also would like to give an update on plans for the next few months. Starting from today, we will be more regularly updating social media and steam with updates for the game. Our plans are laid out over the next few months - we will have several public playable coinciding with certain expos over the next few months, and we will additionally be participating in upcoming NextFests. On top of that, we are now expecting an Early Access release by end of year. We will have more information on this soon, along with a full roadmap and more. THIS HAS BEEN A MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA. PLEASE STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION, CITIZENS.