Out of Bounds is a puzzle shooter where you need to "create" a game while "fixing" bugs!
Hi everyone! How have you been?
Today, the Steam Next Fest event started and the first official demo of Out of Bounds is now available ๐
In order to play it, you need to go to the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1787100/Out_of_Bounds/]store page[/url], look for the green DOWNLOAD DEMO button, and start "fixing" those bugs!
But you can also watch me playing it live! It would be at 6pm (pt).
And if everything goes well with the live-stream, I'm gonna do another one during the week. Follow me on [url=https://twitter.com/TobiasRusjan]Twitter[/url] to stay updated about the date and time ๐ง
Don't forget to give me your feedback on the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1787100/discussions/]forums of the game[/url]. It will help me to improve it, thank you!
And if you like the experience, [b]ADD THE GAME TO YOUR WISHLIST![/b]
Cheers and let's "create" that game!