Steam hotfix rolling out your way

Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer

Hello Neighbor Multiplayer. Secret Neighbor is a Multiplayer Social Horror Game where a group of intruders try to rescue their friend from the Neighbor's creepy basement. Only problem is one of the intruders is the Neighbor in disguise.

Hey Hey, witches, pumpkins, and spooky ghosts in Raven Brooks! We’ve rolled out a hotfix for Steam, solving some popular issues after the Halloween Update to make your experience in Secret Neighbor a bit better. ✨ [quote=author]Steam Hotfix, version [list] [*] Brave is not angry anymore or their redhead has been fixed in other words; [*] Pan got a slight boost with an HP increase from 30 to 50; [*] Issues with secret doors animation and flying characters have been fixed. [/list][/quote] We wish you a nice time this spooky season and a lucky key hunt! Be in the Know at