Hey Hey, everyone!
Something is cooking..you might think it’s just marshmallows over the campfire. But you would be only 50 percent right because Mr. Peterson has some extra for you. He’s cooking up devious surprises to keep you out of his prized abode.
Get ready to brace yourselves for random traps lurking in every match: bear traps, sticky surprises, and even sneaky lasers. Do you know what happens when you touch the laser beam? I guess the answer lies beneath the summer sun 🗝️🌅
The Secret Neighbor Summer Camp Update is coming this June!
[h2][b]📺[url=https://youtu.be/Wmgt6Z1L0eQ]Watch the teaser trailer![/url][/b][/h2]
Explore new paths(or, to be more precise, shortcuts) and unlock the unknown this Summer.