Steam Developer Update: Community Feedback #4

Last Whisper

Last Whisper Survival is a cooperative zombie survival game where exploration of the open world is key. As you venture further, you'll need to upgrade your gear and level up your character and skill tree to handle the increasing challenges as you move through the world.

Hello Survivors, We’re back with another round of updates based on your valuable feedback! Here are the latest fixes and improvements in the experimental branch of Last Whisper Survival: Fixes and Improvements [olist] [*] Water Sound Bug: The sound of water has been fixed and raised to 100%. [*] Mining Sound Adjustment: The sound of mining items can now be properly lowered. [*] Hive Enemies: Reduced the life of the hive enemies, both the flying and ground ones. [*] Hive Sound Mining: Fixed the sound issue related to mining around the hive. [*] Police Station Doors: Fixed the bug with trash blocking the police station doors. [*] Weapon Balance: Rebalanced weapon damage. The first weapon you acquire for quests and from the seller is now a Green (Uncommon) tier 1 weapon. [*] Weapon Mod Prices: Reduced the price of mods for weapons. [*] Repair Bench: Added more weapons that can be repaired at the repair bench. [*] Big Backpack: The big backpack now provides 16 slots instead of 15. [/olist] We Need Your Feedback! Your feedback is crucial for us to keep improving the game. Please let us know if you like the changes or if there’s anything else you’d like to see improved. Share your thoughts with us in the Steam Community Discussions or on our Discord server. Thank you for your continued support and for helping us make Last Whisper Survival the best it can be! With gratitude, Maxime