Last Whisper Survival - Community Feedback Updates #2

Last Whisper

Last Whisper Survival is a cooperative zombie survival game where exploration of the open world is key. As you venture further, you'll need to upgrade your gear and level up your character and skill tree to handle the increasing challenges as you move through the world.

Hello Survivors, We’ve got some exciting updates coming soon to the experimental branch! Here are the changes and fixes we’ve made: [list] [*] New Feature: Added tree cutting animation for a more immersive experience. [*] Adjustment: Removed the feature where bandages provided food and water. [*] Fix: Corrected the 4 and 5 input issues. [*] Addition: Placed a car near the starting zone after the bridge for easier travel. [*] Balance: Adjusted food and water depletion rates for better balance. [*] Fix: Updated weapon damage at the vendor, ensuring players start with a tier 1 uncommon weapon. [*] Correction: Fixed the quest door and doorframe descriptions for clarity. [/list] These updates will soon be available on the experimental branch. We encourage you to test these changes once they are live and share your feedback on Discord and Steam. Your input is invaluable in helping us refine the game. Thank you for your continued support! Happy surviving!