Steam Deck Beta Client Update: January 20th

[p]We have just shipped an updated Steam Deck Client to the Preview/Beta channel.[/p][p][/p][p][b]Steam Input[/b][/p][list][*][p]Fixed the left/right trigger soft pull showing in the mode shift button dropdown as "none"[/p][/*][*][p]Fixed the mode shift button sometimes not having a localization token in the summary page[/p][/*][*][p]Fixed virtual menus showing as "Create Touch Menu" instead of "Touch Menu" in the summary page[/p][/*][*][p]Fixed Gyro Drift Correction not saving to disc when Sleeping the console. Save now occurs during manual calibration.[/p][/*][*][p]In [i]Options->Controller->Calibration & Advanced Settings->Gyro Calibration[/i], the gamepad Pitch, Yaw, and roll icon rotation now come from the internal quaternion that drives many of the new "Gyro to..." modes, and Steam Input api's GetMotionData. [/p][/*][/list]