Vessels of Decay is a retro-inspired action-adventure set in post-apocalyptic Scandinavia. You’ll follow siblings Freja and Mud as they navigate an overgrown world, one where monsters of myth and ancient folklore now reign…
Hi! Hope you all had a great weekend.
The coming week is all about stats and abilities.
At the end of last week, I started to take a hard look at the exp, level, and ability system in-game and thought about what I could do to improve what already was there. And I think I finally have something which I like, and that suits the game. This will require some testing, but as of now, I have divided the abilities into three categories, stats, abilities, and quest abilities. Where stats are your basic speed, damage, stamina, etc.
The Stats tier is currently a list of 19 stats that you can choose to upgrade. Some of these are tied to abilities, but most are purely there for you to customize your character to your wants and needs. You can upgrade these using the stat points you gain after each new level.
The ability tier consists of new attacks and combos which you can unlock using ability point. These are fully optional and are acquired by finding hidden schematics around the world.
And lastly, we have the quest abilities, which are, as the name suggests, abilities used to complete puzzles and defeat enemies significant to completing the story. By following the story, you are guaranteed to gain these abilities.
Personally, I like that there is a divide between stats points and ability points since you don’t need to feel too divided in how you spend your points. But I’d love to hear your initial thoughts on this system!
And as promised, here’s a look at one of the new enemies. Because, really, what’s a game inspired by Scandinavian folklore if it hasn't got a troll?
Wishing you all a good week!