Stars in the Trash brings the magic of animated movie classics into a narrative-driven platformer that combines action, exploration and puzzles. Tired of feeling trapped at home, Moka, a spoiled cat decides to run away and seek adventure. Explore, make friends, fight, and escape from the kennelman.
Traditionally Hand-Drawn Animated Catventure Stars in the Trash is out now on Steam!
With an approximate duration of ~2 hours, this love letter to our childhood cartoons is available on PC for USD $11.99 (regional prices will vary) with a 10% Steam launch discount. The Deluxe edition includes the soundtrack and the artbook with more than 120 pages at an additional 10% discount.
Note to cat lovers: you can also score an additional 10% discount if you own either game in the Bundle: Stars in the Trash is teaming up for a pawsome thematic sale!
To celebrate Stars in the Trash’s launch, we have a trailer with some early reviews to share.
TIP: Enhance the experience with a hot beverage and a cat on your lap!
Do you want our boss Tika to wish you a Merry Christmas? Tag us playing Stars in the Trash with your cat and the hashtag #starsinthetrash on your favorite social network. We will give away 50 personalized postcards among all participants.
The purrfect Christmas gift!