Stars in the Trash brings the magic of animated movie classics into a narrative-driven platformer that combines action, exploration and puzzles. Tired of feeling trapped at home, Moka, a spoiled cat decides to run away and seek adventure. Explore, make friends, fight, and escape from the kennelman.
Hi fam, I've been thinking about canceling the stream until the last minute because I haven't been in the mood lately, but it's Halloween! The streaming will be Saturday, October 28 at 19:00 (GMT+2) on [url=]Twitch[/url]. I will be carving a melon while drinking a pumpkin spice latte, will you join me?
There will be gifts and maybe Tika will visit us. Suggestions for the stream are accepted, what would you like to see?
See you in a few days and don't forget to join our [url=]Discord[/url].
PD: No it's not E.T. I tried to carve a cat :'(