Starr Mazer: DSP - June Hotfix 01, "Dolarhyde"

Starr Mazer: DSP

The UNFP's been kicked in the teeth by a G'ell invasion force and their last and only hope is a planetary outpost and its fleet of experimental DSP MkI Forward Assault Fighters and anyone marshal enough to strap into one and forcefully accept some apologies.

[h1]A Fast-Fire Update Straight at Your Face![/h1] [i]Greetings, Pilots![/i] [img][/img] We're coming in hot with a quick end of the month update! A few new features, a couple of re-jiggers and a bunch of bugs squashed for you. [h1]What's in it?[/h1] [list] [*] Tons of new pilot character species! [*] Fixed fatal crash referencing mouse clicks when the mouse wasn't being clicked [*] Fixed crash during firing of the Refract Engine weapon [*] Improved fluidity of logo animations at start of game [*] Logo animations are now skippable with start/enter/escape [*] Fixed fatal crash during credits sequence [*] Improved credits sequence readability [*] Added Digital Tribe Games logo to credits sequence [*] Added “Made With GameMaker Studio” to credits sequence [*] Several controls related bug fixes [*] Build version is now displayed on all screens for easier bug reporting [/list] [h1]If You See Something, Say Something![/h1] If you find a bug and want to let us know about it, [url=]you can jump right on to our bug reporting form and let us know![/url] That form comes right to us, and uses super future computer magic (SPREADSHEETS!) to dump your bug right into our dev queue! [h1]What's Next?[/h1] This sprint, we're working on a whole new level for you to enjoy: [u][i][b]Act II, Level 1 - "Reducto ad Absurdum"[/b][/i][/u] The [i]DSP MkI Pilots[/i], having defeated the G'ell infected [b]SARDO-099 Form Amorphous Defense Platform[/b], are thrown through the [b]Numspa Gate[/b] and into [b]Weirdspace[/b], an alien hyper-space dimension, where their piloting skills are put to the test against hundreds of dizzying [b]G'ell Pattern Attack[/b] ships lead by the G'ell infected artificial intelligence [b]BNO-66866[/b], who pilots the deadly command vessel, [b]"Element Manifold."[/b] [i]Act II, Level 1[/i] will launch to our test group in July, with our mid-month update, and to the public shortly thereafter, once any bugs are squashed. [h1]Test Group, You Say?[/h1] Oh, you caught that, did you? Well, yes. We have a test group! They meet up on our [url=]discord server[/url], with special access and flair and credits and early access to builds and access to a special ship once the game is launched. [i]AREN'T YOU JEALOUS?[/i] Well, you don't need to be. Just [url=]pop on over to our discord server[/url], and ask a mod make you a tester. You'll get access to our test channel and all of the above-mentioned goodness! Thanks for reading this update, and playing our game. We're working hard to make something awesome for you, because you're awesome! [i]YES, YOU! [/i] Until next time, [b]GET BACK MEOWT THERE, PILOT![/b] [i]- Don Thacker, Imagos Softworks[/i]