Starr Mazer: DSP - July Update, "Shinegunner"

Starr Mazer: DSP

The UNFP's been kicked in the teeth by a G'ell invasion force and their last and only hope is a planetary outpost and its fleet of experimental DSP MkI Forward Assault Fighters and anyone marshal enough to strap into one and forcefully accept some apologies.

[h1]Into the SPACE GATE![/h1] [i]Greetings, Pilots![/i] [img][/img] [b]We're back![/b] In your face and on your feeds, and this time we're coming with a whole new level draft for you to chunk and plunk your [i]SHMUPPY[/i] minds at! Along with a number of upgrades, patches and bug-fixes, this time we're stepping out of Act I and into-- [h1]Act II: Cracking the Heavens, Shaking the Stars[/h1] It's official! Not only are we continually upgrading our existing content and engine, we're beginning our monthly release of content new content! One level draft a month, until we're done with them. Then, all 9 levels done, we revise revise revise, pump them with juice, and release a tight, tweaks, amazing game experience to you. We're proud to give you an Early Access peek at-- [i][u][b]ActII, Level 1 - "Reducto ad Absurdum"[/b][/u][/i] [img][/img] [i]The DSP MkI Pilots, having defeated the G'ell infected [b]SARDO-099 Form Amorphous Defense Platform[/b], are thrown through the [b]Numspa Gate[/b] and into [b]Weirdspace[/b], an alien hyper-space dimension, where their piloting skills are put to the test against hundreds of dizzying G'ell Pattern Attack ships lead by the enigmatic alien fighter pilot [b]Slake Shinegunner[/b], who pilots the visciously effective G'ell Modified Forward Assault Special Frame, "[b]Mad Harbinger[/b]." On the other side of Weirdspace, the DSP MkI Pilots find themselves thrust into a UNFP warship graveyard. What was once the entire defensive force of the UNFP, including the "Agotos", an incomprehensibly sized capital ship, now a cracked and burning wreck. The DSP MkI Pilots must dodge the debris of their fallen comrads and battle through a mass of G'ell fighters before facing off a second time with Slake Shinegunner, whose "Mad Harbinger" has been upgraded to a furious brink.[/i] [h1]What's New?[/h1] You'll notice we changed this level's boss from [b]BNO-66866[/b] and his wicked ship, "[b]Element Manifold[/b]." Don't you worry, he's not getting [i]cut[/i] - just [i]moved[/i]. We thought that, since Act II's big bad boss is actually a collective of [i]FIVE BOSS SHIPS[/i] working in conjunction, known the the G'ell as [b]THE FIGURATE[/b], we'd harass the player with one or more of each of them per level. [h1]FIVE BOSS SHIPS?[/h1] Well, yeah! I mean, we can't end every act with a giant super-ship. That would get [strike]boring[/strike] repetitive. [b]THE FIGURATE[/b] is not only the main boss of Act II, it's also a set of enemy ships that harass the player throughout the three levels of Act II! For Act II, Level 1 we went with-- [h1]Slake Shinegunner / “Mad Harbinger” [/h1] [img][/img] [b]Slake Shinegunner[/b] is a humanoid alien from “[b]Jerk Space[/b],” a geometrically unstable pocket of bent-lens beyond the [b]Helix Nebula[/b]. Slake’s ship, “[b]Mad Harbinger[/b],” is a prototype G’ell super-assault unit armed with the G’ell’s most devastating attacks while still being well armored and fast enough to be competitive. [img][/img] Slake will harass you in and out of [b]Weirdspace[/b], as is his way. [img][/img] [h1]Weirdspace?[/h1] Oh, that. Yeah. Things get weird once the [i]DSP MkI Pilots[/i] are flung through the [b]Numspa Gate[/b]. It used to be a stable artificial wormhole in there; a hyperspace corridor used to connect humanity with the greater galaxy. [img][/img] The G'ell have destroyed the corridor and disrupted the hyperspace channel, creating [b]Weirdspace[/b]; an aberration of space-time that the entire [b]UNFP[/b] defense force was lost in once it was deployed through the [b]Numspa Gate[/b] to stop the G'ell Invasion Force. [img][/img] At the other end of [b]Weirdspace[/b] the [i]DSP MkI Pilots[/i] smash into a wall of chaos; the remains of the entire [b]UNFP Defense Force[/b], lead by the now broken and burning capital ship, "[b]Agatos[/b]." [img][/img] [h1]What It's Got[/h1][list] [*] New Level Design [*] New Enemies [*] New Patterns [*] New Gameplay Mechanics [/list] [h1]What It's Not[/h1] [i][b]Complete! [/b][/i] This level draft and has a few phases of polish to go through in which we'll be adding new assets and even more content such as:[list] [*] New Music [*] New Sound Effects [*] Voiced Character Intro for Slake [*] More Cat Admiral! [*] More Post-Weirdspace Action [*] MORE CAT ADMIRAL! [/list] [h1]New Music?[/h1] Why yes! Keep your eyes peeled for a music announcement next week that is going to blow your mind all the way up! [h1]What's Next?[/h1] This sprint, we're focusing on finishing the main elements of Act II, Level 1 - like all of that wreckage and a bunch of juice, as well as starting a new level for you to enjoy: [b][i][u]Act II, Level 2 - "Black Without End"[/u][/i][/b] Out of the wreckage of the blasted [b]UNFP Defense Force[/b], the [i]DSP MkI Pilots[/i] find themselves in dogfight after raging dogfight with the full force of the G'ell armada in orbit around the G'ell Colony Invasion Mega-Ship, "[b]Atamastor[/b]," weathering a blistering attack coordinated by the alien assault fighter pilot [b]Boltrox Chennard[/b] in his G'ell Strike ship, "[b]Fleshrender[/b]." Act II, Level 2 will launch to our [b]test group[/b] in August, with our mid-month update, and to the public shortly thereafter, once any major bugs are squished. [h1]Test Group, You Say?[/h1] Why yes! I'm glad you noticed! We have a test group that meets up on our [url=]Discord Server[/url] and gets access to test builds as we go. It's a pretty fun gig if you have the time. [i]It gets boring being the only ones breaking our game. Come help![/i] Just pop on to our [url=]Discord Server[/url] and let us know you want to be a tester. We'll hook you right up! [h1]More to come![/h1] Thanks for reading this update! And for playing our game! We're continuing to work hard to make something awesome for you, because you're awesome! [i]YES, YOU![/i] [b][i]STILL! [/i][/b] Until next time, [b]GET BACK MEOWT THERE, PILOT[/b]! [i]- Don Thacker, Imagos Softworks[/i]