Squashing spiders (bugs too!)

Super Fancy Pants Adventure

Super Fancy Pants Adventure is a wild free-running adventure with buttery smooth platforming and a slick fountain pen!

[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/29776081/92ba823e3ab145c3b949d7e3748274172c19ae63.png[/img] We just patched a TON of bugs in the recent update which helps with stability, quirky problems, and provides some stronger frame rates on slower machines. If you have any more bugs, feel free to post, we're all ears and want to address as many as we can. You can post them [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/668210/discussions/0/1496741765132379286/]in the unofficial bug thread[/url] or if there's a larger issue feel free to create a new thread and we'll see what we can do. Feel free to join the SFPA Discord if that's more up your alley: https://discord.gg/bd8gXwF Major fixes, no spoilers (thanks beta testers, Steam reports, you rock!): [list] [*]White screen crash fixed for majority of players [*]Massive performance increases on low-mid range machines [*]Removed infinite-jump shooting glitch [*]Increased gamepad support/choices [*]Boss no longer soft-locks game if attacked late [*]House colors constrained [*]Health bar texture issue resolved [*]Exit portal on wrap level at 4:3 ratio breaking [*]Boss platforms on correct Z axis [*]Missing camera triggers in early level 3 fixed [*]Problem resolving hurt animation + ink pits [*]Controls no longer reset between doors/rooms [*]Block collision problems resolved [*]Shells now damage enemies (fun!) [*]Shell no longer gets stuck above top of screen [*]Headbutt achievement triggered now at goal instead of when combo is cleared [*]Getting pants twice confused the game, now fixed [*]Boss #2 wasn't properly resetting on second play, now fixed [*]Intro sequence could break if you were standing on the stairs, fixed [*]Portals made bigger due to rendering issues [*]Increased text sizes in places where hard to read [*]"Press Up to Enter Door" artwork looks way better now [*]Some events were not resetting properly on reset. These should now all be resolved [/list] Thank you so much for supporting Super Fancy Pants Adventure. We appreciate all the speedrunners, videos, let's plays, and artwork coming out!